Forward – 62 Lots. Border Fine Arts, Beswick, Toys & Collectables.
AWorking model of Fordson Major Tractor
pulls in £500 top at CCM Skipton
CCM Skipton’s March sale of Border Fine Arts, Beswick ornaments, toys and collectables, an
addition to the calendar, attracted 62 lots. (Sat, March 8)
Trade topped at £500 for a working scale model of a Diecast Chad Valley Fordson Major Tractor
with clockwork mechanism, obviously highly desirable as it came in its traditional pale blue colour
with red wheels, with its original box and wind-up key, plus original 1953 receipt from Whitaker &
Co, Ford dealers, Scarborough.
A limited edition Red Kite by renowned Cumbrian master sculptor and designer, Ray Ayres – he
began working with and helped found Border Fine Arts in the early 1970s and reckons he has
created circa 1,000 meticulously researched figurines depicting country life - sold for £170. It was
among a number of his creations up for auction at the bi-annual Skipton sale, with a Golden
Eagle by the same hand making £65.
A limited edition Highland Challenge figurine featuring two fighting stags by another well-known
Border Fine Arts Scottish artist, Mairi Laing Hunt, went under the hammer at £125, followed at
£100 for Massey Ferguson 35X tractor, with £60 selling prices achieved for three further Border
Fine Arts pieces, 1996 Robin and Blue Tit sets by Russell Willis, plus an Otter and Fish. Also
among the lots on offer were bird and nature pieces, and train sets.
CCM remains one of the few UK auction centres concentrating on specialist Border Fine Arts and
Beswick sales, farm-related items in particular, with the remit now expanded to include vintage
Britains Farm Toys, Europe's oldest specialist in agricultural toys and collectables, plus other
household names such as Corgi and Matchbox, again primarily farm-related lots, plus china,
model railways and diecast models.
The next sale of Border Fine Arts, Beswick and other pieces in on Saturday, May 10, with entries
closing on April 11 (entry forms are now available online), to be followed by the high profile
annual Christmas fixture scheduled for Saturday, December 13, with a closing date for entries of
November 13 (provisional).
The 2024 festive sale attracted a bumper 284 pieces and top price of £2000 for the rare limited
edition Border Fine Arts ‘Standing Firm (red)’ depicting a Kerry Hill ewe, twin lambs, and a red
and white border collie.
The next sale with be on Saturday 10th May. All pieces welcome.
The sale will be limited to 300 lots. Entry form available soon.
Clockwork Fordson Major £500
Red Kite £170
Highland Challenge 49 £120
Massey Ferg 35 £100
Golden Eagle £65
Otter & Fish £60
Robin & Blue Tit Set £60