Starts: Mon, 17 March Dairy Cattle - Monday 17th March Twice Monthly Sale of Dairy Cattle. 12 In Milk Heifers. Sale 12noon. * Catalogue online* NEXT SALE includes Coloured Sale. Please contact Sarah with enquiries.
Starts: Mon, 17 March Ewes & Lambs - Monday 17th March Weekly Sale of Ewes with Lambs at foot. Sale 11.30am. including Early Show. Judging 11.00am. Classes for: Pair Mule Ewes + Lambs & Pair Cont Ewes + Lambs ** Catalogue listing online **
Starts: Wed, 19 March Feeding & Breeding Cattle - Wednesday 19th March Fortnightly Sale of 437 Feeding & Breeding Cattle. Sale 10.00am. Craven Ring. **Sale includes Spring Show of Feeding Bulls - Judging 9.30am**
Starts: Wed, 2 April Online Timed Sale of Working Sheep Dogs - Wednesday 2nd April ONLINE TIMED AUCTION - Entry form can be found online. Entries close Monday 17th March.