Down x Ewe BM with Single to £96 RW Hebdon
Suffolk Ewe Crct with Single to £110 PA Eggleston
Suffolk Ewe Crct with Twins to £165 GE&M Stockill
Texel Ewe Crct with Single to £120 JS Stephenson
Texel Ewe BM with Single to £LS Stephenson
Texel Ewe Crct with Twins to £200 C Smith
Texel Ewe BM with Twins to £160 RJ Umpleby
Texel Ewe with 1.5 to £175 JP Stirke
Texel Shlg with Singles to £90 J Moore
Texel Shlg with Twins to £200 C Smith
Texel Hoggs with Singles to £200 IT Manning
Mule Ewe Crct with Singles to £102 RW Hebdon
Mule Ewe BM with Singles to £112 RD Metcalfe
Mule Ewe Crct with Twins to £185 C Smith
Mule Ewe BM with Twins to £150 RD Metcalfe
Mule Ewe Crct with 1.5 to £125 RW Hebdon
Mule Ewe BM with 1.5 to £135 DA&FR Gibbon
Mule Shlg with 1.5 to £90 J Moore
Mule Shlg with Twins to £290 JR&EL Mawson
Mule Shlg with 1.5 to £182 GE&ME Stockill
Mule Hoggs with Sinlges to £190 RG Johnson
Chev Ewe BM with Singles to £98 RW Hebden
Suffolk Half Bred Ewes with Singles to £118 P Eggleston
Suffolk Half Bred Ewes with Twins to £165 P Eggleston