

Rearing Calves to £555 (150) A scintillating trade today for the Autumn Calf show with exactly 150 calves through the door. The Show was a hard fought contest with Matthew Dibb of Dob Park, Otley picking Alan Hartley’s 7 week old Bull as Champion over a tremendous Suckler Bred Limousin heifer from John and Tom Carlisle of Cracoe. It was a hard choice to choose a winner, and it was a close run affair in the sale ring also with just £5 between them. The Champion from The Hartley Family of Beamsley saw £555 for their consignment selling to the Judge with the Reserve Champion from the Carlisle Family selling to Jonathon Townley, Clapham for £550.

Continental bulls were a flying trade right throughout the sale with the top 18 prices: £555, £500, £470, £460 x3, £455, £450, £445x2, £440 x3, £435x2 £430 x3.  Natives saw some potent bidding with Aberdeen Angus bulls topping at £460 from Edward and Jenny Griffiths with further Angus bulls from the same vendor at £390, £350, £340x2, £330 x2.


Best Continental heifers flew off the shelves too with the aforementioned reserve champion at £550 with other Prices £430 x2 and £410 for the best. Native heifers joined in on the action also averaging £202 and topped at £310 twice from JC Marshall and JP&KE Hartley respectively.     


Bull Calves

Limousin x (Av £365) to £500 A Sowray & Son                            

Brit Blue x (Av £407.33) to £555 JP&KE Hartley                                                          

Aberdeen Angus (Av £262.68) to £460 JR&EJ Griffiths

Longhorn x (Av £228) to £255 AP Townsend

Pathanais X (Av £342.50) to £370 CJ&DD Drake

Shorthorn (Av £170) to £170 Flasby Estates

Flekvieh (Av £260) to £285 C Watson

Simmental (Av £316.67) to £380 H Goodall & Son                     

Black & White (Av £53.43) to £180 RM Spence           

Cont av £390.71 Native av £255.08               



Heifer Calves                       

Simmental x (Av £333.33) to £340 H Goodall & Sons                                                 

Ab Angus (Av £196.67) to £310 JP&KE Hartley                                                            

Saler (Av £143.75) to £160 Town Head Farm Products

British Blue (Av £361.67) to £430 A Sowray & Son

Hereford (Av £310) to £310 JC Marshall

Lim (Av £327.22) to £550 D&J Carlisle

Shorthorn (Av £165) to £190 Flasby Estates

Cont av £344.75 Native av £202.94