

Rearing Calves to £425x3 (52) B&W av £85.30 Cont av £355.33 Native av £236.2 52 calves up for sale this morning with black whites seeing a resurgence in price back to a healthy average of £85.3. Continentals remained a straight average at £355 for all types topping three times at £425 for two bulls and a heifer from Church Farm Enterprises with two more heifers at £415 and £410. Parkers from Bentham saw their sweet blue bull make £380 and John Blackwell have a Simmental at £360.

Native calves were up a gear on last week with Angus bulls averaging £293 and Herefords averaging £225.


Bull Calves

Limousin x (Av £330) to £330 JC Marshall                     

Brit Blue x (Av £378) to £425x2 Church Farm Enterprises                        

Charollais x to £350 G Abbott & Sons                                                            

MRI (Av £210) to £270 N&R Sutcliffe             

Ab Angus (Av £293.33) to £295 JC Marshall

Hereford (Av £225) to £250 JM Smith & Son

Simmental (Av £360) £360 HJ&K Blackwell                  

Black & White (Av £85.3) to £160 JC & DJ Marshall & Sons                       


Heifer Calves                       

Limousin x (Av £330) to £330 JC Marshall                     

Brit Blue x (Av £345) to £425 Chruch Farm Enterprises                             

Ab Angus (Av £203.33) to £245 JC Marshall & Son                                                     

Blonde x (Av £265) to £265 S Parker

Hereford to £185 JM Smith & Son                                                  


Craven Dairy Auction (35 head)

Ken Throup of Woofa Bank, Silsden Moor Judged the pre-sale Show today and chose the Lawson Family’s consignment to be the best on show. The Pedigree Homebred Heifer from the Newbirks Herd was a month calved and giving 34 Litres went on to sell for the sales top price of £1740 and heading to the Father and Son team from Fellbeck, Fred and Mike Longster. Reserve Champion was handed to Stainbank Herd of Robin Jennings with his 28kg heifer selling to £1700 and heading down the road to John Howard at Heslaker Farm.


A mixed bag of goods on offer today with an odd punter missing resulted in a trade that suited the better end of the milkers on sale. The next on the list of high prices was the Fort family from Glusburn at £1660 for a smart milky type that had been calved 20 days and giving 26 litres which sold to the Marshall family of Monk Ing Farm, Dacre, with the Walker family of East Morton up at £1560 for their Heifer selling to Wick Williams.    


Judge – Ken Throup

Prize Awards:       Newly Calven Heifers:         1st A Lawson & Sons 2nd GB Jennings & Son 3rd RW&M Walker

                                Newly Calven Cows:            1st GB Jennings 2nd H Downs & Son

                                In-Calf Heifers:                     1st I Olivers and Partners 2nd I Olivers & Partners 3rd SR Petty

                                Champion – A Lawson & Son            Reserve – GB Jennings


Pedigree Newly Calven Heifers (4): av £1473.3 to £1740 A Lawson & Son 


1st Quality Newly Calven Heifers: (12) av £1431.25 to £1700 GB Jennings

2nd Quality Newly Calven Heifers (3) to £850


Newly Calven Cows (4): av £1295 to £1400 H Downs & Son  


Incalf Heifers (4): av £955 to £1040 I Olivers Partners


Heifers RWB (5) av £542 to £600 P Pogson


Maiden Heifers (2) av £660 to £800 SR Petty