

Craven Dairy Auction (18 head) A cracking trade for milkers today with all selling to a strong trade, Mark Smith of Winterburn had the pick of the trade with his homebred heifer reaching £2020 to Mark Goodall of Tong with Brian Moorhouse watching his heifer also hit the £2,000 mark which headed to Ribchester with Brian Blezard.

Keith Downs watched his Champion set the tone for the day’s trade with the 3 week calved 30 litre heifer sailing to £1900 and going home with the judge Alf and Andrew Townsend of Southfield. Mark Stapleton of Addingham Moorside saw his reserve champion reach £1950 for a heifer that he bought in as a youngster from Skipton and ended up as the second purchase of the day for Mark Goodall.


Youngstock sold by James Kayley of Halton West met some stiff bidding with the best bulling heifer reaching £850 with all three selling to the Sowray family of Bishop Thornton for an average of £800. Alan and Susan Throup of Higher House then sold 3 Heifer calves from their pedigree Dalesbrad herd  averaging £403.3 and topping at £420.


Next Sale 19th June


Judge – Andrew Townsend

Prize Awards:       Newly Calven Heifers:         1st H Downs & Son 2nd SM&MT Stapleton 3rd GB Moorhouse & Son


                                Champion – H Downs & Son              Reserve – SM&MT Stapleton


Newly Calven Heifers (av £1611.67): to £2020 M&R Smith  


Maiden Heifers (av £800): to £850 ML&JE Kayley & Son


Heifer Calves (av £403.3)

to £420 A&SL Throup

Rearing Calves to £470

B&W av £92.47 Cont av £337 Native av £242

Richard Spence of Sutton In Craven saw the best of the trade this morning with his Limousin Heifer calf selling for £470 to Mr Smith of Halifax, Mr Spence also topped proceedings in the bulls with his impressive bull reaching £430 selling to Tom Watson, Sawley.


Limousin Heifers were good to sell with three over £400 and blue heifers seeing a top of £385 for a straight calf from Johnny Moon. Natives were dearer again on the week with £295 for a good calf from Messrs Briggs, Guiseley with Natives right through averaging £242.


NB: Calf Show Next week with Numbers wanted. 


Bull Calves

Limousin x (Av £347.50) to £355 JC&DJ Marshall & Son                            

Brit Blue x (Av £396.25) to £430 RM Spence                                                               

Aberdeen Angus (Av £247.50) to £295 ID&JC Briggs

Simmental (Av £355) to £355 HJ&K Blackwell                             

Black & White (Av £92.47) to £215 JC&DJ Marshall                    


Heifer Calves                       

Ab Angus (Av £220) to £220 JR&MJ Moon                                                    

British Blue (Av £334) to £385 JR&MJ Moon

Lim (Av £314.58) to £470 RM Spence