

Craven Dairy Auction (32 head) A victorious day for Andrew Jennings of Jennings Farmers, Fountains with his Pedigree Newly Calven Heifer topping at £2000 and taking the Craven Dairy Sale Championship at the late September sale. The heifer boasting a good back pedigree and giving 38ltrs went on to sell for £2000 to Stephen and Eddie Jeanes of Sutton In Craven.

The Judge Rob Marshall of Dacre then chose the Reserve Champion, a sweet heifer from Peter Baul of Bishop Thornton, which calved 18 days and giving 30kg sold for £1580 to the Jeanes family again. Jennings Farmers had their second heifer reach the same price of £1580 and sold to Wick Williams of Cheshire.


Certainly welcome news of the pay rise from the main processor in the area, however many feeling it is not enough considering the spot price is where it is. It is a serious concern going forward as smaller producers are prone to shadowing the big boys’ moves. A long and winding road continues.     


Judge – Rob Marshall

Prize Awards:       Newly Calven Heifers:         1st Jennings Farmers 2nd M Baul & Partners 3rd A Lawson & Son

                                Newly Calven Cows:            1st A Lawson & Son 2nd A Lawson & Son 3rd Jennings Farmers

                                In-Calf Heifers:                     1st, 2nd and 3rd I Olivers & Partners

Champion – Jennings Farmers          Reserve – M Baul & Partners


Pedigree Newly Calven Heifers (av £1520) to £2000 Jennings Farmers


Newly Calven Heifers (av £1225) to £1270 GR Bretherton


Newly Calven Cows (av £1323) to £1600 A Lawson & Son


Incalf Heifers (av £974) to £1100 I Olivers & Partners


Rearing Calves to £420 (100)

B&W av £51.59 Cont av £314.57 Native av £189.66

Better show of calves forward today with 100 through the door today. Black and Whites a better trade this week with an average of £51.59. A large proportion of continentals and natives here today with Angus bulls averaging £202.9 and Continetals right through averaging £315 right through for all goods with best bulls £380+ topping at £420 for Fred Housemans British Blue Bull


Bull Calves

Limousin x (Av £311) to £385 G Pickersgill & Sons                      

Brit Blue x (Av £335.28) to £420 Church Farm Enterprises                       

Hereford (Av £267.5) to £285 FA Holmes & Son                                                                         

Ab Angus (Av £202.9) to £320 Church Farm Enterprises

Saler (Av £147.67) to £180 Townhead Farm Products                               

Black & White (Av £51.59) to £180 G Pickersgill                          


Heifer Calves                       

Limousin x (Av £245) to £250 RD Metcalfe & Son                       

Brit Blue x (Av £296.25) to £430 Church Farm Enterprises                       

Ab Angus (Av £156.25) to £260 Church Farm Enterprises                                                        

Saler (Av £172.50) to £175 RL Wright & Son