67 Prime cattle comprising 26 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos), 1 Clean Cattle (over 30 mos) & 40 Cast Cattle
4,104 Prime Sheep comprising 3,802 Prime Lambs & 302 Cast Ewes & Rams
47 Rearing Calves
21 Dairy Cattle
3 Loads of produce
Sunday 26th November.
Stock Arrival 9am
Weighing 9.30am till 10.30am
Judging starts at 11.00am
Sales start at 12.30pm with Pigs
Pies, Cakes & Indoor Items need to be staged for 12noon
Full schedule & times can also be found online.
Prime Cattle (under 30 mos)
Countrystyle Meats of Lancaster set their Christmas stall out and secured 12 purchases at this week’s sale including the highest grossing animal a Blonde cross steer from James Drake which tipped the scales at 555kg and made the leading steer price of 255.5p/kg. Leading p/kg was a British Blue cross heifer weighing 515kg sold by Mesrs AA &E Critchley & Son of Hutton which made 269.5p/kg grossing out at £1388 when bought by Countrystyle Meats. Following hard on the heels of this high was a black Limousin cross heifer weighing 545kg from James Drake of Denholme which sold to George Cropper of Baxenden for 266.5p/kg or £1452. The Lingfields Christmas Primestock show takes place on Sunday with a strong entry of retail cattle both haltered and unhaltered assured. Judging at 11am with sale at 3pm approx.
465-555kg to 255.5p/kg av. 249.51p/kg
560kg+ to 200p/kg av.178.02p/kg
400-480kg to 209.5 p/kg av.198.74p/kg
485kg+ to 269.6p/kg av. 237.82p/kg
560kg+ to 178.5p/kg
Top Prices £ per head and p/kg
£ per head: JA Drake (Blondx) 1418, JR Metcalfe (Blondx) 1406, CD&RF Kitching (Blondx) 1362, (Limx) 1317
p/kg: JA Drake (Blondx) 255.5, TW Cowperthwaite (Limx) 251.5, 249.5, CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 248.5, (Blondx) 245.5
£ per head: JA Drake (Limx) 1452, CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 1399, AA&E Critchley&Son (BBx) 1388,1386, IJ Pratt (Limx) 1386
p/kg: AA&E Critchley (BBx) 269.5, (Limx) 261.5, (BBx) 261.5, JA Drake (Limx) 266.5, SD Bennett (Limx) 259.5, CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 257.5.
£ per head: M Fewster (AA) 1133
p/kg: M Fewster (AA) 178.5
Prime Cattle (over 30 mos)
Overall Average 133.5p/kg £1074.68
Top Prices £ per head and p/kg
£ per head: Church Farm Ent. (B&W Hfr) 1074
p/kg: Church farm Ent. (B&W Hfr) 133.5
Overall Average 101.91p/kg £674.36
A shortage of warm fed meat in the cast cow lines but a number of entries coming off TMR in the dairies bucked the trend with heavy cows with condition 110p. A few more beef cows scanned empty on the market with dairy crosses filling the Continentals and as a result most feeders backing off in the mid 120s because of the types available. A heavy Beef Shorthorn cow from Joe Drinkall at £1007 or 118.5p/kg and a 580kg Belted Galloway from Tom Boothman made 120p/kg.
Black & White to 113.5p/kg av.96.91p/kg
MRI to 111.5p/kg av. 93.47p/kg
Danish Red to 104.5p/kg
Brown Swiss to 84.5p/kg
Limx to 117.5p/kg av. 110.72p/kg
BBx to 127.5p/kg av. 124.06p/kg
Hefd to 97.5p/kg
Galloway to 120p/kg av.111.69p/kg
Beef Shorthorn to 118.5p/kg
Top Prices (£ per head or p/kg)
£ per head: J Caygill&Ptns 900, 839, JD Taylor&Son 864, AP Townsend 854, JT Rushton 799, RM&LJ Throup 763
p/kg: AP Townsend 113.5,109.5, J Caygill&Ptns 112.5, JD Taylor&Son 111.5, JT Rushton 109.5, JH Bradley&Son 109.5
Other Dairy
£ per head: N&R Sutcliffe (MRI) 675,377, SR Petty (Swed Red) 596,DA&S Fort (Brown Swiss) 570,
p/kg: N&R Sutcliffe (MRI) 111.5, 72.5, SR Petty (Swed Red) 104.5, DA&S Fort (Brown Swiss) 84.5
Brit Blue:
£ per head: JW Stockdale&Son 907, G&PS Fleetwood 797,787,778
p/kg: G&PS Fleetwood 127.5, 122.5, 117.5, JW Stockdale&Son 122.5
£ per head: PL Metcalfe 699, SR Petty 695,650, JW Stockdale&Son 613
p/kg: PL Metcalfe 117.5, JW Stockdale&Son 109.5, SR Petty 109.5, 106.5
£ per head: J Drinkall Ltd (Beef Sh) 1007, J Drinkall Ltd (AAx) 818,759,SR Petty(Gall) 700,696
p/kg: T Boothman (Gall) 120, J Drinkall Ltd (AAx) 120.5,118.5, (Beef Sh) 118.5,
Overall Average 104.6p/kg £957.08
Top Prices £ per head and p/kg
£ per head: AP Townsend (BB) 1159, West Berwick Farm (Stab) 756
p/kg: AP Townsend (BB) 135.5, West Berwick Farm (Stab) 77.5
4,104 SHEEP comprising 3,802 LAMBS and 302 CAST SHEEP
A much larger show of sheep this week, and a nice trade too on the day, recording an overall average of 173p/kg. Best lambs saw some strong prices, but they had to be handy weights 39kg to 43kg to hit the heights of 240p to 260p, with trade topping at 278p or £111.50 for a pen of 3 Beltex crosses from James and Jennifer Garth of Keasden selling to Paul Watson. Messrs Garth sold a further pen of 6 at £102 each. Mark & Elaine Hartley from Roughlee had a pen of 4 Beltex crosses weighing 41kg sell at £109 each, whilst there were 4 pens at £108 each from Duncan Halliday of Sowerby Bridge, John Nutter of Hurst Green, and 2 pens from Richard Simpson of Pateley Bridge who had a further pen at £100. Other 3 figure pens were Kevin Marshall £106, Frankland Farms £106, James Towler £104.50, Fox Farms £104, Ellis Bros £104 £102 £100, Issy Hartley £100, Henry Atkinson £100, John Thwaite (H-in-C) £100.
Mule Lambs were just a shade easier on the week, but horned lambs upkept recent better rates.
Prime Lambs – Overall Average £75.79 per head or 172.89p/kg
32.1kg to 35.9kg to 201.5p/kg av 164.4p/kg or £57.12 per head
36.0kg to 45.5kg to 278.8p/kg av 176.3p/kg or £74.61 per head
45.6kg to 52.0kg to 220.8p/kg av 164.93p/kg or £79.07 per head
52.1kg and over to 200p/kg av 165.9p/kg or £88.50 per head
Beltex average £87.19 per head or 203.11p/kg
£ per head: £111.50 James Garth & Sons; £109 AM&E Hartley; £108 J&F Nutter; £108 DJ Halliday; £106 K Marshall;
p/kg: 278.8p James Garth & Sons; 265.9p AM&E Hartley; 263.4p J&F Nutter; 255p Ellis Bros; 254.9p WA&VJ&JA Towler
Suffolk average £74.9 per head or 161.11p/kg
£ per head: £87.50 TH Atkins; £86 MJ Spensley; £86 R Emmott; £86 R&VM Clarke; £85.50 HB Atkinson; £85 MJ Spensley;
p/kg:190p HB Atkinson; 181.8p MP Jennings; 168.9p G&MA Lawn; 168.6p R&VM Clarke; 167.6p SR Petty; 167p N&M Hugill
Texel average £76.69 per head or 174.20p/kg
£ per head: £108x2 L Simpson; £100 TR Thwaite & Son; £100 L Simpson & Sons; £100 AM&E Hartley; £100 HB Atkinson;
p/kg: 243.9p AM&E Hartley; 242.5p, 241.5p G Sunderland; 228.2p D Reay; 228p E&KM Marshall; 223p JJ Beckwith & Sons
Mule average £67.78 per head or 153.83p/kg
£ per head: £84 JR Crabtree; £81 S&D Robinson; £80 SJ Sugden; £77 TH&A Pickard & Son; £75 JH Throup; £73.50 IMA & RJ Smith
p/kg: 164.8p T&C Robinson; 160p SJ Sugden; 159.3p G&MA Lawn; 157.9p DA Robinson; 157.8p TH&A Pickard & Son
Charollais average £75.36 per head or 169.76p/kg
£ per head: £89 Frankland Farms; £85.50 D Pawson & Sons; £81 P Shackleton; £76 Brafferton Manor; £73.50 A Fisher;
p/kg: 194.3p D Pawson & Sons; 179.3p A Fisher; 176.7p Brafferton Manor; 168.3p DA Pratt; 167p Brafferton Manor
Swaledale average £57.12 per head or 139.84p/kg
£ per head: £64 S&D Robinson; £63, £62 JW Sayer & Son; £61.50 WB Woodsworth; £61.50 S&D Robinson; £60 WB Woodsworth
p/kg:151.2p JW Sayer & Son; 150px2 S&D Robinson; 147.4p C MEllin; 146.5p JW Sayer & Son; 146.3p C Mellin; 143.6p JH Throup;
Dalesbred average £48.50 per head or 134.72p/kg
£ per head: £48.50 RH&EA Close;
p/kg: 134.72p RH&EA Close
Suffolk to £97.50, Texel to £91.50, BFL to £45.50, Mule to £75.50, Lleyn to £68.50, Swaledale to £49.50, Gritstone to £18.50, , Beltex to £89.50, Lonk to £47.50.
Top prices:
Lowland: £91.50 M Crabtree; £91.50 AL Thompson
Mule/Masham: £75.50 GT Booth; £69.50 C Nelson & Sons
Horned: £49.50 C Nelson & Sons; £47.50 AE Schindler
Hill: £68.50, £65.50 DC Wood
Cast Rams average £41.93
Texel to £51.50, BFL to £45.50, Teeswater to £77.50, Lleyn to £76.50, Swaledale to £31.50.
Rearing Calves to £420 (47)
Best calves were a selling away well today with a couple of fresh faces ringside bidding fiercely for the best calves. Middle of the road continentals were a touch easier, however continentals were a cracking trade once again with John Marshall of Dacre topping at £340 and £330 with AA bull average of £281. Black and whites were not as dear today with a younger show of calves on offer with an average of £44.63. Heifers a touch harder to place today with Fred Houseman again topping at £360 for a shapey british blue with Robert Throup of Snaygill at £300 for a straight limousin type.
Bull Calves
B&W av £44.63 Cont av £306.67 Native av £254.5
Limousin x (Av £269) to £320 D Clarke
Brit Blue x (Av £338) to £420 Church Farm Enterprises
Aberdeen Angus (Av £281) to £340 JC Marshall
Shorthorn to £200 JH Bradley & Son
Saler (Av £300) to £300 RL Wright & Son
Black & White (Av £44.63) to £90 RL Wright & Son
Heifer Calves
Ab Angus (Av £150) to £150 PJ&JE Bolland
British Blue (Av £257.22) to £360 Church Farm Enterprises
Lim (Av £240) to £300 RM&J Throup
Craven Dairy Auction (21 head)
A strong show of milkers on show today and pre-sale judge Edward Fort had his work cut out finding his favourite. In the end he picked a cracker of Grafeeti heifer from Brian Moorhouse of Bell Busk which sold for the sale high of £2150, which sold to Brian Blezard of Ribchester. Reserve Champion went to the returning Samantha Sugden of Laycock again a grafeeti daughter and giving 29kg sold to the Richard Sutcliffe of Queensbury. Other noted heifers came from Peter Baul of Bishop Thornton selling his sweet 30kg heifer to the Sowray Bros for £1800, Brian Moorhouse’s other consignment a 30kg Miguel daughter out of a 85 point cow sold for £1950 again to the Sowray Bros. David Fort of Glusburn sold three cows with the best, a 3rd Calver giving 30 litres reached £1800 to Stephen and George Breare of Silsden Moor.
A year old bull from Brian and Judith Moorhouse, Aireburn Handel from Brian’s favourite ‘Honey’ family, a stylish black bull went on to sell for £1,300 to Angus Dean of Threshfield.
Judge – Edward Fort
Prize Awards:
Newly Calven Heifers: 1st GB Moorhouse 2nd SJ Sugden 3rd M Baul & Partners
Newly Calven Cows: 1st DA&SA Fort, 2nd DA&SA Fort 3rd DA&SA Fort
Champion – GB Moorhouse Reserve – SJ Sugden
Pedigree Newly Calven Heifers (av £1765) : to £2150 GB Moorhouse
Newly Calven Cows (av £1466): to £1800 DA&SA Fort
Newly Calven Heifers (av £1326): to £1480 GB Jennings
Maiden Heifers (av £587.50): to £620 D&J Herd
Pedigree Bull to £1300 GB Moorhouse
Wheat Straw Quads to £85 per tonne