

Craven Dairy Auction (66 head) The Sun was shining and bids were flying. 66 Head were forward at the BOCM Dairy Sale with 51 In Milk and 15 In Calf Cows and Heifers and 1 Pedigree Friesian Bull. Of the Usual Newly Calven Dairy cattle Samantha Sugden of Laycock topped the tree with not only the championship but also top price of the day with £2900. The Heifer a Pedigree daughter of Bolton was calved 19 days and giving 35litres was eventually snapped up by Stephen and Edward Jeanes of Glusburn. The second prize newly calven heifer from Brian Moorhouse didn’t fail to impress with it forging a path to £2600. In the Newly Calven Cows Andrew Jennings of Fountains was the victor and was judged reserve champion. The pedigree second calver was bought by Wick Williams for £1980.

40 of the Cows were presented by the Whittaker family of Laneshawbridge due to the unfortunate passing of John earlier this year.  The family presented the cows in superb condition with 29 newly calved and in milk and 11 Incalf cows. The family, long supporters of Skipton Dairy Auction were received by a tremendous trade in the ring with all cows selling above and beyond expectations.


A fantastic day for all with many thanks going to all vendors and purchasers alike


A reminder that the remaining portion of the Whittaker Family herd will be attending in on the 14th July.       


Prize Awards:       Newly Calven Heifers:         1st SJ Sugden   2nd GB Moorhouse   3rd DR Robinson

                                Newly Calven Cows:         1st Jennings Farmers   2nd DV&S Lee   3rd J&J Whitaker

                                In-Calf Heifers:                1st 2nd & 3rd MGT Corner

Champion – SJ Sugden        Reserve – Jennings Farmers


Newly Calven Heifers:  to £2250 av £1614 FA Broadwith          


Newly Calven Cows: to £1960 av £1270 J&J Whittaker


Pedigree Newly Calven Heifers: to £2900 av £2275 SJ Sugden

Pedigree Newly Calven Cow: to £1980 av £1717 J&J Whittaker


In Calf Cow:  to £1700 av £980 J&J Whittaker


In Calf Heifer:  to £1880 av £1485 J&J Whittaker


British Friesian Bull: to £850 J&J Whittaker

Chief Prices

£2900 SJ Sugden; £2600 GB Moorhouse; £2250 DR Robinson; £1980, £1820 Jennings Farmers; £1960 J&J Whittaker;

£1880 RW&M Walker; £1880 FA Broadwith;

Rearing Calves to £600

B&W av £ Cont av £ Native av £


Bull Calves

Limousin x (Av £244) to £300           JC&DJ Marshall

Brit Blue x (Av £443) to £600           C&SB Whitelock

Black & White (Av £40) to £72         J Wellock


Heifer Calves                       

Limousin x (Av £30) to £30               WP Gratton                         

Brit Blue x (Av £350) to £395           Church Farm Enterprises                  

Limousin (Av £126) to £155              JC&DJ Marshall

Ab Angus (Av £195) to £195             GD&JC Holme & Son