
MARKET REPORT - Monday 25th August 2014 Dairy

90 Rearing Calves to £450 B&W av £52.35 Cont av £303.14 Native av £145 Good show of calves considering the show the previous week. With plenty of calves and a bank holiday crowd trade was buoyant. Calves were not quite as flash as the week before particularly Black and Whites with some selling calves too young and under fleshed, but any on the money and just either side of a month old were snaffled up by a number of buyers and would go well into the £80’s. The best black and white was shown by Messrs Atkinson of Bishop Thornton reaching the heights of £135 for a well fleshed Holstein Friesian calf.

Continentals were once again on fire with anything well made reaching well into the £400’s topping with a strong blue calf from David Holmes, Castley. Natives were also well supported with Alan Middleton topping at £180 for a 1 ½ mth old bull and Robert Lofthouse, Addingham reaching the same for a smart Angus Heifer.   


Bull Calves

Limousin x (Av £370) to £440 M Shaw

Brit Blue x (Av £323) to £ 450 FA Holmes

Shorthorn (Av £145) to £145 JR CJ & D Drake

Ab Angus (Av £139) to £180 JP&KE Kitching

MRI (Av £121) to £155 N&R Sutcliffe                             

Black & White (Av £52) to £135 JR&M Atkinson

Brown Swiss (Av £40) E Bradley & Son


Heifer Calves                       

Limousin x (Av £250) to £270 Townhead Farm Products                          

Brit Blue x (Av £282) to £355 A Sowray & Son                             

Ab Angus (Av £155) to £180 RH Lofthouse                                                   



Craven Dairy Auction (49 head)

 A big entry once again though trade sticky compared to previous sales with many good heifers struggling to reach the late teens clearly this milk drop is hitting home. Good trades were received however with Brian Moorhouse and Robert Swires reaching the joint top price of £2300 and further high prices of £2100 for Swires and £1900 for Robin Jennings, South Stainley.


Heifers would have been dearer had not it been for some a run of 2nd Class heifers, however these sold to a straight trade for what they were, ranging from £950 to £1350.


Bulls were in high demand with  6 of the 7 bulls selling to a busy ringside with the top price landing at 1850gns for a fine pedigree Holstein from Jennings farmers ltd. 


Prize Awards:       Newly Calven Heifers:         1st M Swires 2nd GB Moorhouse 3rd M Swires

                                Newly Calven Cows:            1st M Swires

                                Pedigree Bulls                     1st A Dickinson 2nd R&E Butterfield 3rd Jennings Farmers

Champion – M Swires         Reserve – GB Moorhouse


Newly Calven Heifers:  to £2300 av £1684 M Swires  


Newly Calven Cows: to £1800 M Swires


Pedigree Newly Calven Heifers: to £2300 av £1820 GB Moorhouse


Holstein Bulls: to £1850gns av £1523gns Jennings Farmers Ltd


British Friesian Bull: to £1180gns ER Howard 

Chief Prices

£2300 GB Moorhouse; £2300, £2100, £1950, £1800 M Swires; £1910 FA Broadwith; £1900, £1780, £1750 H Downs & Son.


Sponsors – BOCM & G Shepherd Animal Health