

80 Rearing Calves & 22 Dairy Cattle. Rearing Calves to £600. B&W av £47 Cont av £358 Native av £153. Newly Calven Heifers: to £2500 av £1938 GB Moorhouse

Rearing Calves to £600

B&W av £47 Cont av £358 Native av £153

A bank holiday bonanza, a fantastic trade was had by all with a full ringside of buyers present and trade was buoyant especially the Continental calves with plenty of travelled buyers making it phenomenal for well reared British Blue Calves with a top price of £600 for a superb blue from Fred and Mark Houseman of Church Farm Enterprises. Other notable prices were £590 and £550(x2) for Shaun and Peter Sowray, creating a brilliant British Blue average of £450.  


Bull Calves

Limousin x (Av £209) to £340 JW Stockdale

Brit Blue x (Av £450) to £600 Church Farm Enterprises

Brown Swiss X (Av £25) to £40 E Bradley & Son

Aberdeen Angus (Av £147) to £215 K Talbot                               

Black & White (Av £47) to £175 F Spence


Heifer Calves                       

Limousin x (Av £135) to £160 Townhead Farm                           

Brit Blue x (Av £356) to £420 Church Farm Enterprises                             

Ab Angus  to £150 GB Moorhouse

Hereford X (Av £190) to £190 HJ&K Blackwell                                                             



Craven Dairy Auction (22 head)

 A wide variety of Dairy Cattle today with a solid trade throughout for all sections most notably

was the run of Incalf heifers which were a good trade for the type of goods. Newly Calven cattle

were slow to start in places with the majority of cattle taking time to get to their deserved price. Brian Moorhouse found the big bidders with his Newly Calven Home Bred Heifer from a EX92 Dam from the Scilla family  and by the popular Regancrest Mr Sam, giving 34kg and just 14 days calved she eventually realised the days top price of £2,500 and is on its way to the Kayley family of Halton West. Other noted prices came from the reserve champion from the Robinson Family of Eldroth and Jeremy Taylor of Broughton making £2080 and £2000 respectively.

Prize Awards:       Newly Calven Heifers:        1st GB Moorhouse

                                                                          2nd DR Robinson

                                                                          3rd JD Taylor

                                Newly Calven Cows:        1st J&J Whittaker

                                                                          2nd J&J Whittaker

                                                                          3rd RW&M Walker

                                In-Calf Heifers:                1st MGT Corner

                                                                          2nd MGT Corner

                                                                          3rd H Wilson

Champion – GB Moorhouse              Reserve –  DR Robinson


Newly Calven Heifers:        to £2500 av £1938 GB Moorhouse 


Newly Calven Cows:           to £1865 av £1301 J&J Whitaker


Incalf Heifers:                       to £1800 av £1382 MGT Corner