

Craven Dairy Auction (44 head) A definite struggle for the most part but patience paid off with just a little push and shove strong heifers started to sell to a straight price. With an ever darkening cloud looming over the Dairy industry things looked ominous with the shippon full and over flowing, however a murmur of interest prior to the sale evolved into a good, straight trade with cows and heifers taking their time but eventually reaching a good price.

Pick of the day was a sweet heifer from Brian Moorhouse which had been calved a fortnight and giving 31kgs, which went on to make £2,200 to Wilmot Blockley. Robin Jennings of South Stainley wasn’t far behind with a heifer from the Roxy family reaching £2100 and heading to the same home.


Certainly a lot more caution ringside with a lot buyers concerned about what the future may hold.


Judge – Aubrey Greenhalgh

Prize Awards:       Newly Calven Heifers:         1st A Lawson & Son 2nd ASE Crisp 3rd GB Moorhouse

                                Newly Calven Cows:            1st A Lawson & Son 2nd M Swires 3rd M Swires

                                In-Calf Heifers:                     1st 2nd & 3rd MGT Corner

                                Jersey/Coloured:                 1st GB Moorhouse 2nd D&P Brown

Champion & Reserve – A Lawson & Son


Newly Calven Heifers: to £2100 av £1702.5 ASE Crisp & Sons  


Newly Calven Cows: to £1420 MD Parkinson


Pedigree Newly Calven Heifers: to £2200 av £1834 GB Moorhouse


Pedigree Newly Calven Brown Swiss Heifer: £1750 av £1457 D&P Brown


Pedigree Newly Calven Cow: £2000 A Lawson & Son


Heifer Calves:

to £300 av £267 J Hitchen

94 Rearing Calves to £450 (Overall average £214)

B&W av £60.20 Cont av £360 Native av £214

A decent show of calves with new vendors receiving the big prices along with the regulars, with a sale high of £450. Continentals were the most sought after with an average of £360 right through and £394 for 26 British Blue bulls and £320 for British Blue heifers. Black and whites are also being forced along nicely with a strong run from Richard Spence dragging the average up over £60 topping at £175 for a strong Friesian.



Bull Calves

Limousin x (Av £390) to £390 N Hitchen                       

Brit Blue x (Av £394) to £450 P&RM Sutcliffe                              

Ab Angus (Av £210) to £265 JP&KE Hartley                                  

Black & White (Av £60.20) to £175 F Spence                               


Heifer Calves                       

Limousin x (Av £245) to £280 N Hitchen

Hereford (Av £230) to £230 F Spence                           

Brit Blue x (Av £320) to £390 Church Farm Enterprises

Limousin (Av £245) to £280 N Hitchen                          

Ab Angus (Av £145) to £145 GB Moorhouse                                                

Shorthorn (Av £200) to £200 JR CJ & D Drake