

MARKET REPORT – MONDAY 7th JULY 2014 Forward: 58 Prime cattle comprising 10 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos), 2 Clean Cattle (over 30 mos) & 46 Cast Cattle. 3,226 Prime Sheep comprising 2,670 Prime Lambs, 556 Cast Ewes & Rams. 58 Rearing Calves.




Prime Cattle (under 30 mos)


551-650kg                             to 231.5p/kg        av 224.19p/kg


501-590kg                             to 244.5p/kg        av 213.22p/kg

590kg+                                   to 195.5p/kg

Top Prices £ per head or p/kg


Limx  (£ per head) SD Bennett 1389,1349 (p/kg) SD Bennett 231.5,219.5

BBx- (£ per head) JM Townsend 1240(p/kg) JM Townsend 221.5


BBx- (£ per head) JM Townsend 1296 (p/kg) JM Townsend 244.5

Limx- (£ per head) BS Simpson 1231,1218 (p/kg) BS Simpson 236.5,234.5

July Primestock Show

Keelham Farm Shop whose  new shop development in Skipton is well under way bought the supreme champion at the July Show from Simon Bennett of Silsden whose Limousin cross steer weighed 600kg and made 231.5p/kg or £1389. Reserve Champion was the 530kg British Blue Heifer consigned by Mac Townsend of Laneshawbridge which joined J&E Medcalf & Son of Halifax for 244.5p/kg or £1296.

Prizes. Strs 1.SD Bennett 2. JM Townsend 3.SD Bennett, Hfrs 1. JM Townsend 2&3.BS Simpson

Cast Cows. Dairy. 1&3 JR CJ&D Drake 2. WP Gratton Beef. 1. F Stephenson 2. M Bentham 3. AV Caton.



Cull Cow Prices

Overall Average                                   107.33p/kg           £682.33

Black & White                       to 123.5p/kg                        av 101.19p/kg

Limx                                       to 151.5p/kg                        av 129.47p/kg

Blondex                                 to 131.5p/kg

Simx                                       to 134.5p/kg                        av 127.98p/kg

AAx                                         to 124.5p/kg                        av 110.98p/kg

Highland                                to 77.5p/kg                          av 72.88p/kg


Top Prices (£ per head or p/kg)

Brit Blue:

£ per head: TH Heslop&Sons 1032, S&T Fawcett 729

p/kg: TH Heslop&Sons 139.5, S&T Fawcett 117.5

Lim: av p/kg

£ per head: AV Caton 1091, MD Farms Ltd 887, AV Caton 874, TH Heslop&Sons 872

p/kg: AV Caton 151.5, 130.5, MD Farms Ltd 129.5, TH Heslop&Sons 119.5, F Thomas&Son 117.5


£ per head: JC&N Throup 962, 907

p/kg: JC&N Throup 134.5, 129.5


£ per head: F Stephenson 993

p/kg: F Stephenson 131.5


£ per head: MD Farms Ltd 871, F Thomas & Son 853

p/kg: F Thomas & Son 124.5, MD Farms Ltd 118.5, JR Taylor & Son 113.5

B&W: av p/kg

£ per head: G Abbott&Sons 1050, JR CJ & D Drake 881, JD Crabtree & Son 833, EJ Fort 832, WP Gratton 814

p/kg: G Abbott&Sons 123.5, JD Crabtree&Son 122.5,121.5,113.5 JG Hall&Son 120.5, JR CJ & D Drake 117.5


3,226 Prime Sheep

Trade was much harder work today than anticipated and buyers were able to be more selective as numbers increase with 38kg to 43kg appearing to be optimum weight range now. Some runs of smart lambs selling at either side of 200p, nice sorts 180p to 190p, commercial prime lambs 170p to 180p.

The Monthly show was well attended as usual with the following awards given by our judge for the day Mr Michael Winchester  whilst Sponsors were Wynstay Group.



1st TA Robinson 40kg @ £120 Keelham Farm Shop

2nd Ellis Bros 38kg @ £92 A Atkinson for S Howarth

3rd WA Booker 41kg @ £81 Keelham Farm Shop

Down x

1st RA&M Earnshaw 44kg @ £81.50 Woodhead Bros

2nd TH&A Pickard 41kg @ £72.50 Woodhead Bros

3rd TH Mellin 41kg @ £74.80 Woodhead Bros


Champion – TA Robinson

Reserve – Ellis Bros


Prime Lambs  – Overall Average  £71.12 per head or 177.3p/kg                                                            

32.1kg to 35.9kg                 to 210.0p/kg         av 179.9p/kg         or £62.38 per head

36.0kg to 45.5kg                 to 300.0p/kg         av 177.4p/kg         or £71.04 per head

45.6kg to 52.0kg                 to 208.5p/kg         av 175.0p/kg         or £82.96 per head

Beltex average £76.80 per head or 202.3p/kg

£ per head: £120 TA Robinson; £92 £90 Ellis Bros; £77.50 M Carefoot; £75.50 H&S Maudsley; £73.50 R Ogg;

p/kg: 300.0p TA Robinson; 242.1p 236.8p Ellis Bros; 215.3p M Carefoot; 210.0p R Ogg; 200.0p JJ Beckwith;

Texel average £71.57 per head or 178.66p/kg

£ per head: £98 DG Boothman; £95.50 M Hall; £92.50 £92 TR Thwaite; £92 KP Drinkall; £90 RA&M Earnshaw;

p/kg: 214.9 KM&L Throup; 209.3 RA&M Earnshaw; 209.2p M Carefoot; 209.0p TH Mellin; 208.5p DG Boothman;

Suffolk average £70.78 per head or 178.6p/kg

£ per head: £94.50 G&MA Lawn; £89 PJ Bolland; £84 M Butterill; £82 TH&A Pickard; £82.51 RA&M Earnshaw;

p/kg: 190.5p ML Evans; 189.4p 186.8p PJ Bolland; 189.0p G&MA Lawn; 185.4p RA&M Earnshaw;

Charollais average £69.63 per head or 174.8p/kg

£ per head: £83 RG Greenwood; £82 TA Robinson; £76 D Calvert; £75 HW&F Wilkinson; £75 RA&H Bury

p/kg: 194.9p D Calvert; 188.6p RG Greenwood; 185.9p Ellis Bros; 184.6p S Willis; 182.2p TA Robinson;

Mule average £64.03 per head or 160.7p/kg

£ per head: £66 WA&A Booth; £65.50 £64 JC&N Throup; £65 KM&L Throup;

p/kg: 162.5p KM&L Throup; 161.3p RG Churcj Ltd; 161.0p WA&A Booth;

Rouge average £71.05 per head or 174.4p/kg

£ per head: £76.50 S Pepper;

p/kg: 176.3p JB Bancroft



Cull Ewes average £47.23

A plainer show of ewes this week with many fresh weaned ewes in the entry, together with some large runs of horned ewes and medium type mules which may look decent value for feeding now. Not as many heavy ewes today and these sold either side of £100.

Suffolk to £87.50, Texel to £103.50, BFL to £69.50, Mule to £70.50, Cheviot to £61.50, Lonk to £50.50, Lleyn to £71.50, Swaledale to £44.50

Top prices:

Lowland: £103.50 KG Stapleton

Mule/Masham: £70.50 RG Johnson & Son

Horned: £50.50 RJ Schofield

Hill: £ 71.50 RW&B Chapman

Cast Rams average £62.50

Texel to £92.50, Charollais to £93.00, Swaledale to £49.50

Top Prices:

£93 JC Crabtree & Son, £92.50 JE Mawer



Rearing Calves to £480


Bull Calves

Brit Blue x (Av £417) to £480           J&G Huck

MRI (Av £200) to £200                       N&R Sutcliffe

Blonde x (Av £343) to £380              N&R Sutcliffe

Ab Angus (Av £201) to £272             JP&KE Hartley                      

Black & White (Av £52) to £140       G Booth

Saler (Av £240) to £240                     RL Wright


Heifer Calves                       

Limousin x (Av £150) to £155           M Ryder                

Brit Blue x (Av £350) to £380           MP Jennings                         

Ab Angus (Av £212) to £225             JP&KE Hartley