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MARKET REPORT – WEDNESDAY 7th August 2013 Fortnightly Catalogue Sale of Store Lambs & Breeding Sheep Forward: 7985 Head; 7580 Store Lambs & 405 Breeding Sheep Overall av £55.68 (£62.12 in 2012)


MARKET REPORT – WEDNESDAY 24th JULY 2013 Fortnightly Catalogue Sale of Store Lambs Forward: 5,480 Head Overall av £56.59 (£59.08 in 2012)

Market Report – Wednesday 10th July 2013

Opening Fortnightly Catalogue Sale of Store Lambs Forward: 2231 Head, Overall av £68.18 (+£5.27 on 2012) CCM Auctions conducted their opening fortnightly sale of store lambs for 2013 at Skipton Mart on Wednesday. There was a reduced entry compared to last year and generally lambs would be a shade smaller, however anything with power or style was a nice trade reflecting the prime value, several pens over £80, good medium keep lambs £65 to £74, commercial store lambs to run on making early £60’s. The Prize Show for pens of 40 or more lambs was judged by Mr Tony England, Tiverton, Devon. Awards below. 1st Prize: Mr M Parker, Winterburn. 40 Suffolk x @ £82.50 each 2nd Prize: Messrs RG Greenwood & Son, West Marton. 40 Texel x @ £82 each 3rd Prize; J Sugden, Laycock: 42 Texel x @ £85 each 4th Prize: DM White, Hebden; 52 Texel x @ £68.50 each

Market Report – Wednesday 27th February 2013

Forward: 864 head of Store & Breeding Sheep comprising of 602 Store Lambs & 262 In Lamb Sheep CCM Auctions held their final Wednesday sheep sale of this season where there was a nice entry presented. Store Hoggs were good to sell with trade rising in line again with the improved prime trade, The best end of the Texel’s making £60 plus. Included in today’s sale was a dispersal of 220 Swaledale Ewes on behalf of the family of the Late Mr Derek Appleton of Hebden. The ewes were presented in fine bloom and with correct sheep topping at £127 each averaging £88.87 scanned 148%, whilst the ewes, udders only, averaged 61.56.

Market Report – Wednesday 13th February 2013

CCM Auctions held their fortnightly sale of store & breeding sheep at Skipton Mart on Wednesday. A light entry of sheep sold very well and reflected the recent increase in the prime lamb market, with Texel lambs especially good to sell.

Market Report – Wednesday 16th January 2013

Forward: 661 head; 371 Store Lambs & 290 Breeding Sheep CCM Auctions conducted their fortnightly sale of Store & Breeding sheep at Skipton on Wednesday. A nice entry of inlamb sheep saw young ewes and shearlings trade away quite nicely, but full mouth and correct below sheep found the going very tough with customers not showing an eagerness for extra mouths to feed with the winter weather taking a turn for the worst. A mixed selection of store hoggs reflected the current prime trade, Stronger sorts in the £40’s, medium hoggs in the £30’s and long keep types in the £20’s.

Market Report – Wednesday 2nd January 2013

Forward: 461 Store Hoggs & Feeding Sheep CCM Auctions held their opening sale of the New Year at Skipton where a smaller than usual entry than usual entry of store sheep than usual were forward for sale. There were a few pens of strong hoggs about and these sold to a good trade when compared to finished prices, whilst smaller hoggs for a few months keep appear like they could grow into money. THE NEXT SALE IS ON WEDNESDAY 16th JANUARY, INCLUDING ENTRIES TOTALLING 400 INLAMB EWES.


MARKET REPORT - WEDNESDAY 28TH NOVEMBER 2012 3814 head of Sheep - 3514 Store Lambs & 280 Breeding Sheep STORE SHEEP – av £44.06