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MARKET REPORT – MONDAY 22nd JULY 2013 FORWARD: 55 PRIME CATTLE comprising 2 Clean Cattle (und 30m) 4 Clean Cattle (ov 30m) 46 Cast Cattle & 3 Mature Bulls 2,944 PRIME SHEEP comprising 2,215 Prime Lambs, 65 Mature Hoggs, 664 Cast Ewes & Rams 64 REARING CALVES 37 DAIRY CATTLE 4 LOADS OF PRODUCE


MARKET REPORT – MONDAY 15th JULY 2013 FORWARD: 36 PRIME CATTLE comp: 1 Clean Cattle (U’30 mo) 1 Clean Cattle (O’30 mo), 2 Bulls (U’30 mo) & 29 Cast Cattle, 3 Mature Bulls 3,881 PRIME SHEEP comp: 3,366 Spring Lambs & 515 Cast Ewes & Rams (inc 80 Prime & Mature Hoggs) 46 REARING CALVES 1 LOAD OF PRODUCE


MARKET REPORT – MONDAY 8th JULY 2013 FORWARD: 29 PRIME CATTLE comprising 4 Clean Cattle (Under 30 mos), 3 Clean Cattle (Over 30 mos) & 22 Cast Cattle 2,739 PRIME SHEEP comprising 2289 Spring Lambs and 450 Cast Ewes & Rams (inc 68 Mature Hoggs) 44 REARING CALVES 3 LOADS OF PRODUCE

Press Report - Monday 1st July 2013

Keelham Farm Shop in Thornton, Bradford, embarked on another buying spree of the top performers at the July prime shows at CCM Skipton.

Market Report – Monday 1st July 2013

FORWARD: 42 PRIME CATTLE comprising 6 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos), 2 Young Bulls, 5 Cattle (over 30mos) & 29 Cast Cattle 2,689 PRIME SHEEP comprising 2030 Spring Lambs, 302 Prime & Mature Hoggs, 357 Cast Ewes & Rams 71 REARING CALVES 20 DAIRY CATTLE

Monday Primestock 24/06/2013

39 PRIME CATTLE comprising 4 Clean Cattle & 35 Cast Cattle 1,728 PRIME SHEEP comprising 1161 Spring Lambs, 91 Prime & Mature Hoggs, 476 Cast Ewes & Rams 31 REARING CALVES

Monday Primestock Report 17/06/2013

42 PRIME CATTLE comprising 5 Clean Cattle (over 30 mos) & 37 Cast Cattle inc Special TB Exempt Section, 1394. PRIME SHEEP comprising 886 Spring Lambs, 227 Prime & Mature Hoggs, 281 Cast Ewes & Rams, 36 REARING CALVES & 41 DAIRY CATTLE. 11 EWES & LAMBS

Skipton Auction Mart Market Report – Mon 10th June 2013

FORWARD: 23 PRIME CATTLE comprising 1 Bull (under 30 mos), 1 Clean Cattle (over 30mos) & 21 Cast Cattle 1,738 PRIME SHEEP comprising 723 Spring Lambs, 689 Prime Hoggs, 154 Mature Hoggs & 172 Cast Ewes & Rams 39 REARING CALVES 5 LOADS OF PRODUCE

Skipton Auction Mart Market Report – Mon 3rd June 2013

PRIME CATTLE (under 30 mos) At the June Primestock Show the Championship was awarded to John and Alison Spensley of Thorlby whose British Blue Heifer weighed in at 520kg and sold to Keelham Farm Shop of Thornton for 239.5p/kg or £1245.

Skipton Auction Mart Market Report – Mon 27th May 2013 (Bank Holiday)

FORWARD: 24 PRIME CATTLE comprising 1Clean Cattle (under 30 mos), 2 Clean Cattle (over 30 mos) & 19 Cast Cattle 2,091 PRIME SHEEP comprising 381 Spring Lambs, 1111 Prime Hoggs, 268 Mature Hoggs, 331 Cast Ewes & Rams 163 EWES & LAMBS 62 REARING CALVES 18 DAIRY CATTLE

Skipton Auction Mart Market Report – Mon 20th May 2013

FORWARD: 42 PRIME CATTLE comprising 3 Clean Cattle & 39 Cast Cattle 1651 PRIME SHEEP comprising 176 Spring Lambs, 1233 Prime Hoggs, 242 Cast Ewes & Rams 807 EWES & LAMBS 44 REARING CALVES 3 LOADS OF PRODUCE

Skipton Auction Mart Market Report – Mon 13th May 2013

FORWARD: 36 PRIME CATTLE comprising 1 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos), 1 Clean Cattle (Over 30 mos) & 33 Cast Cattle 2,185 PRIME SHEEP comprising 126 Spring Lambs, 1730 Prime Hoggs, 329 Cast Ewes & Rams. 552 EWES & LAMBS comprising 206 sheep with 346 lambs at foot 56 REARING CALVES 29 DAIRY CATTLE 5 LOADS OF PRODUCE

Skipton Auction Mart Market Report – Monday 6th May 2013

FORWARD: 41 PRIME CATTLE comprising 1 Clean Cattle (u30 mos), 1 Prime Bull (u30 mos), 3 Clean Cattle (over 30 mos) & 36 Cast Cattle 2,099 PRIME SHEEP comprising 97 Spring Lambs, 1717 Prime Hoggs, 285 Cast Ewes & Rams 1,751 BREEDING SHEEP comprising 282 Geld Gimmer Hoggs & 646 Sheep with 823 Lambs at Foot 29 REARING CALVES 4 LOADS OF PRODUCE


WEEKLY SALE OF EWES & LAMBS (250 Head) CCM Auctions held their weekly sale of Ewes with Lambs @ Foot, where a smaller entry than anticipated sold to an ever increasing ringside of customers. Top spot today belonged to Richard Simpson of Heathfield, Pateley Bridge whose homebred Mule Shearlings with twins sold at £230 per outfit. Younger sheep were very much in demand and were dearer on the week, although in general the overall quality was better. There were several runs of nice young Texel ewes with smart lambs selling at £120-£138.


FORWARD: 32 PRIME CATTLE comprising 4 Clean Cattle 9 (under 30mos), 6 Clean Cattle (over 30 mos) & 22 Cast Cattle 2,019 PRIME SHEEP comprising 92 Spring Lambs, 1501 Prime Hoggs, 426 Cast Ewes & Rams 687 EWES & LAMBS - 265 Ewes Shearling & Hoggs with 413 Lambs @ Foot 49 REARING CALVES 36 DAIRY CATTLE inc 12 PEDIGREE BULLS 9 LOADS OF PRODUCE