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Sales Reports

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MARKET REPORT – MONDAY 29th JULY 2013 FORWARD: 51 PRIME CATTLE comprising 4 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos), 3 Clean Cattle (over 30 mos), 2 Young Bulls & 42 Cast Cattle 2,902 PRIME SHEEP comprising 2293 Lambs & 609 Cast Ewes, Rams & Mature Hoggs 70 REARING CALVES (inc 6 STIRKS) 4 LOADS OF PRODUCE


MARKET REPORT – WEDNESDAY 24th JULY 2013 Fortnightly Catalogue Sale of Store Lambs Forward: 5,480 Head Overall av £56.59 (£59.08 in 2012)


MARKET REPORT – MONDAY 22nd JULY 2013 FORWARD: 55 PRIME CATTLE comprising 2 Clean Cattle (und 30m) 4 Clean Cattle (ov 30m) 46 Cast Cattle & 3 Mature Bulls 2,944 PRIME SHEEP comprising 2,215 Prime Lambs, 65 Mature Hoggs, 664 Cast Ewes & Rams 64 REARING CALVES 37 DAIRY CATTLE 4 LOADS OF PRODUCE


MARKET REPORT – WEDNESDAY 17th JULY 2013 FORTNIGHTLY SALE OF YOUNG FEEDING BULLS, STORE BULLOCKS & HEIFERS, BREEDING CATTLE FORWARD: 328 HEAD OF CATTLE Comprising: 123 Young Feeding Bulls, 178 Bullocks & Heifers, 27 Breeding Cattle CCM Auctions held their fortnightly cattle sale at Skipton Mart on Wednesday where a good entry was presented for sale. Trade was strong for what was generally a younger selection of cattle. Bulls again sold well with a full ring side of customers, but please make sure all cattle are pre-entered so buyers can be properly informed. The premium bulls are still selling away well over £1200, and an overall average of nearly £1000 per head. In the store ring there were some notable runs of cattle, bullocks to £1450 and heifers to £1440. But it was the nice yearling cattle that really sold above expectations. James Huck, Hubberholme selling British Blue heifers, 9 months old at £1170 and £1110, John Greenhalgh had 12 month old Charolais heifers at £1100 and David Johnson had Limousin heifers at £1045. Bullocks also found a good following, Jim Howarth’s pen of 10 Charolais bullocks at 14-15 months old selling at £1190 each, 5 more at £1100. John Cheetham had 2 yearling Charolais at £1100. Peter Fox’s 14 month Charolais at £1450 and £1300, and blue heifers at £1200. G&R Bulmer, Wakefield had Limousin x 12 months old at £1160 and £1150. A great pen of 3 Friesian type bullocks only 12 months old from G Pickersgill & Son sold at £920. A mixed selection of cow & calves sold to £1580 on 2 occasions and averaged £1254 overall.


MARKET REPORT – MONDAY 15th JULY 2013 FORWARD: 36 PRIME CATTLE comp: 1 Clean Cattle (U’30 mo) 1 Clean Cattle (O’30 mo), 2 Bulls (U’30 mo) & 29 Cast Cattle, 3 Mature Bulls 3,881 PRIME SHEEP comp: 3,366 Spring Lambs & 515 Cast Ewes & Rams (inc 80 Prime & Mature Hoggs) 46 REARING CALVES 1 LOAD OF PRODUCE

Market Report – Wednesday 10th July 2013

Opening Fortnightly Catalogue Sale of Store Lambs Forward: 2231 Head, Overall av £68.18 (+£5.27 on 2012) CCM Auctions conducted their opening fortnightly sale of store lambs for 2013 at Skipton Mart on Wednesday. There was a reduced entry compared to last year and generally lambs would be a shade smaller, however anything with power or style was a nice trade reflecting the prime value, several pens over £80, good medium keep lambs £65 to £74, commercial store lambs to run on making early £60’s. The Prize Show for pens of 40 or more lambs was judged by Mr Tony England, Tiverton, Devon. Awards below. 1st Prize: Mr M Parker, Winterburn. 40 Suffolk x @ £82.50 each 2nd Prize: Messrs RG Greenwood & Son, West Marton. 40 Texel x @ £82 each 3rd Prize; J Sugden, Laycock: 42 Texel x @ £85 each 4th Prize: DM White, Hebden; 52 Texel x @ £68.50 each


MARKET REPORT – MONDAY 8th JULY 2013 FORWARD: 29 PRIME CATTLE comprising 4 Clean Cattle (Under 30 mos), 3 Clean Cattle (Over 30 mos) & 22 Cast Cattle 2,739 PRIME SHEEP comprising 2289 Spring Lambs and 450 Cast Ewes & Rams (inc 68 Mature Hoggs) 44 REARING CALVES 3 LOADS OF PRODUCE


FORTNIGHTLY SALE OF YOUNG FEEDING BULLS, STORE BULLOCKS & HEIFERS, BREEDING CATTLE FORWARD: 461 HEAD OF CATTLE Comprising: 168 Young Feeding Bulls, 1 Feeding Cow, 238 Bullocks & Heifers, 54 Breeding Cattle

Press Report - Monday 1st July 2013

Keelham Farm Shop in Thornton, Bradford, embarked on another buying spree of the top performers at the July prime shows at CCM Skipton.

Market Report – Monday 1st July 2013

FORWARD: 42 PRIME CATTLE comprising 6 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos), 2 Young Bulls, 5 Cattle (over 30mos) & 29 Cast Cattle 2,689 PRIME SHEEP comprising 2030 Spring Lambs, 302 Prime & Mature Hoggs, 357 Cast Ewes & Rams 71 REARING CALVES 20 DAIRY CATTLE

Market Report - Moorside Farm Sale 25th June

On Tuesday evening, CCM Auctions conducted a dispersal sale at Moorside Farm, Hebden under the instructions of The Executors of the late Mr Derek Appleton. A full selection of equipment and tools associated with running a hill livestock farm were offered for sale and the result was highly satisfying with a good attendance of buyers, friends and neighbours producing plenty of competition to bid for items.

Monday Primestock 24/06/2013

39 PRIME CATTLE comprising 4 Clean Cattle & 35 Cast Cattle 1,728 PRIME SHEEP comprising 1161 Spring Lambs, 91 Prime & Mature Hoggs, 476 Cast Ewes & Rams 31 REARING CALVES

Market Report – Saturday 22nd June


Market Report – Wednesday 19th June 2013

FORTNIGHTLY SALE OF YOUNG FEEDING BULLS, STORE BULLOCKS & HEIFERS, BREEDING CATTLE FORWARD: 571 HEAD OF CATTLE Comprising: 210 Young Feeding Bulls, 282 Bullocks & Heifers, 79 Beef Breeding Cattle

Monday Primestock Report 17/06/2013

42 PRIME CATTLE comprising 5 Clean Cattle (over 30 mos) & 37 Cast Cattle inc Special TB Exempt Section, 1394. PRIME SHEEP comprising 886 Spring Lambs, 227 Prime & Mature Hoggs, 281 Cast Ewes & Rams, 36 REARING CALVES & 41 DAIRY CATTLE. 11 EWES & LAMBS