

Rearing Calves to £515 B&W av £65 Cont av £386.39 Native av £241 £515 was the top price of the day for the Champion calf from the Sowray Brothers of Bishop Thornton, the calf which was 6 ½ Weeks old was bred By Brennand General (A Bull bred JC Walker & Son, Dunsop Bridge) sold to Andrew Houseman of Harrogate. The Sowray’s also saw their first price heifer reach £450 selling to Nigel Garth, Addingham. A handy number of calves were on show today for the Summer Calf Show with Tony Binns of Clint doing the Judging Honours. British Blue bulls saw the best of the trade with 11 over £400 and averaging £406.92. Heifers again were a pleasure to sell with Continental heifers averaging £371, with Suckler buyers bidding fiercly for replacement heifers.

Black and Whites a tad easier overall due to a lot of plain young calves around however anything well fleshed and thriving was keenly bid past £100 and onwards, which is where the top price B&W bull from Alan and Susan Throup ended up, making a nice price of £145.


And don’t forget the natives £241 average with a stylish Hereford from JM Smith of Sutton in Craven reaching £310 and David and Dee Holmes of Castley at £280 for an Aberdeen Angus.


Champion – A Sowray & Son £515

Reserve – FA Holmes & Son £425


Bull Calves

Brit Blue x (Av £406.92) to £515 A Sowray & Son

Limousin x (Av £330) to £330 EJ Fort                                                                                             

Aberdeen Angus (Av £280) to £280 FA Holmes & Son

Hereford X (Av £257.50) to £310 JM Smith & Son

Shorthorn (Av £89) to £175 Flasby Estates                   

Black & White (Av £64.28) to £145 A&SL Throup                       


Heifer Calves                       

Ab Angus (Av £230) to £230 IR&DE Wellock                                                

British Blue (Av £369.62) to £450 A Sowray & Son

Lim (Av £390) to £390 RM&LJ Throup

Shorthorn (Av £180) to £180 A Sowray & Son


Monthly Calf Show

Brit Blue Bull

1st A Sowray & Son                              2nd FA Holmes & Son                           3rd G Booth

Brit Blue Hfr

1st A Sowray & Son                              2nd A Sowray & Son                             3rd Church Farm Enterprises

Native x Bull

1st FA Holmes & Son

Native x Hfr

1st I Wellock

B&W Bull

1st M&R Smith                                      2nd M&R Smith

Cont x Stirk          

1st RM&LJ Throup                                2nd RM&LJ Throup                                3rd Church Farm Enterprises