

Forward: 74 Rearing Calves. 8 Dairy.







Rearing Calves to £320 (74)


Nice show of calves in today. 17 B+W bulls today meeting a respectable average of £40 and topping £65. Native bred calves on fire this week with AA Bull Calves averaging £285 whilst Heifer Calves averaged £200 topping £260. Skipton is definitely the place to sell Native Calves! BB Bull Calves topping £320 from J.C Marshall. A small show of Calves expected next week with the first Monday back in New Year the 6th of January a show Sale with Many Buyers already showing interest.

Call Kyle Hawksworth with enquires and expected entries to inform Buyers.


Bull Calves

Limousin x (Av £241) to £255                           G Pickersgill                          

Brit Blue x (Av £229) to £320                           JC Marshall                                                           

Aberdeen Angus (Av £285) to £300 M&R Smith

Shorthorn (Av £54) to £95                                IRG Collins

Saler (Av £80) to £80                                          RL Wright                             

Black & White (Av £40) to £65                         Flasby Estates                     


Heifer Calves       

Ab Angus (Av £195) to £260                             J Wellock                                                              

British Blue (Av £179) to £260                         J&SA Lancaster

Limousin (Av £200) to £245                              G Pickersgill




8 Dairy

The mid-month Craven Dairy Auction had an entry of 8 Newly and fresh Calved Cows and Heifers forward for sale. Trade would be more mixed than a fortnight ago, two heifers exceeded £2000, those being a Pedigree Heifer from Messrs Baul’s Watergate Herd, calved 21 days and giving 30 litres, she sold for £2200, whilst Messrs Moon from Paythorne presented a commercial heifer calved 3 weeks, giving 32 litres selling at £2100. The champion on the day was from Messrs Bell Mireside herd, giving 27 litres and fresh, selling at £1920. Although the better end sold well, a commercial style of heifer was harder to shift and would be cheaper than the Christmas show week. Only one cow forward this week, a 6th calver, making £1080.


Prize Awards

Newly Calven Heifer                           1 & Champion NA Bell                        2nd & 3rd JR&MJ Moon


Newly Calven Heifers         to £2200 (av £1652)

Nexly Calven Cows             to £1080