CCM Auctions Conducted their Monthly Sale of Stirks, Weaned Calves and Young Store Cattle
Next Sale – Saturday 12th December
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124 head cattle & 104 sheep & goats.
Limousin to £745 av £697
British Blue to £600
B&W to £600
Hereford to £600 av £398
Brit Blue to £760 av £626
Limousin to £840
B&W to £600 av £401
Shorthorn to £645
Ab Angus to £480 av £425
Bazadaise to £640
Limousin to £600 av £497
Brit Blue to £720 av £652
An Angus to £560 av £390
Breeding /Store Sheep & Goats
Boer Nanny £115
Boer/Togg Nanny £96
Alpine Nanny £95
Togg Billy £88
Welsh Sheep £72
Texel Ewe £64