45 Prime cattle comprising 24 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos) & 25 Cast Cattle including 2 Cast Bulls.
4,852 Prime Sheep comprising 3,580 Prime Lambs, & 1,272 Cast Ewes & Rams.
61 Rearing Calves.
10 Dairy.
9 Loads of produce.
Prime Cattle (under 30 mos)
Increased number of clean cattle and an uplift of value with Keelham Farm Shop securing the top 2 gross values a Limousin croos steer weighing 625kg (£1447 or 231.5p/kg) from Simon Bennett of Silsden Moor and a 570kg Limousin cross steer from Mesrs CD&RF Kitching of Threshfield at £1434 or 251.5p/kg. Mesrs Kitching also provided the two top p/kg priced animals a 510kg Limousin cross heifer at 252.5p/kg (£1288) and a 560kg Limousin cross steer at 252.5p/kg (£1414) both selling to Countrystyle Meats Ltd of Lancaster.
465-555kg to 245.5p/kg av. 209.90p/kg
560kg+ to 252.5p/kg av. 241.47p/kg
400-480kg to 245.5p/kg av. 233.07p/kg
485kg+ to 252.5p/kg av. 232.7p/kg
Top Prices £ per head and p/kg
£ per head: SD Bennett (Limx) 1447, CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 1434, (BBx) 1414, RT&J Critchley&Sons (Blondex) 1354
p/kg: CD&RF Kitching (BBx) 252.5, (Limx) 251.5, JR Metcalfe (BBx) 245.5, SD Bennett (Limx) 239.5, JA Drake (Limx) 237.5
£ per head: RT&J Critchley&Sons (Charx) 1431,(Limx) 1349, Phoenix Grain Ltd (Limx) 1326, CD&RF Kitching (Blondex) 1288
p/kg: CD&RF Kitching (Blondex) 252.5, Phoenix Grain Ltd (Limx) 252.5,239.5, RT&J Critchley&Sons (Limx) 247.5,242.5,
Overall Average 108.98p/kg £705.92
Black & White to 121.5p/kg av. 97.12p/kg
AAx to 131.5p/kg av.129.00p/kg
Gall to 133.5p/kg
Limx to 137.5p/kg av.132.17p/kg
BBx to 111.5p/kg
Top Prices (£ per head or p/kg)
£ per head: RM&LJ Throup 901,816, RD Metcalfe&Son 820, CN&SA Harrison 641, A&SL Throup&Son 612
p/kg: RD Metcalfe&Son 121.5,109.5, RM&LH Throup 115.5, CN&SA Harrison 110.5, RM&LJ Throup 109.5,
£ per head:
p/kg: HE Simpson (Gall) 133.5, J&D Barritt (AAx) 131.5, B Spensley Ltd (AAx) 126.5
£ per head: JA Stoney&Son (Limx) 956, F Glassbrook (Limx) 921, HE Simpson (BBx) 769, D&FJ Leeming (Limx) 697,
p/kg: F Glassbrook (Limx) 137.5, D&FJ Leeming (Limx) 131.5, JA Stoney&Son (Limx) 127.5, HE Simpson (BBx) 111.5
Overall Average 157.5p/kg £1165.50
Top Prices £ per head and p/kg
£ per head: D&FJ Leeming (Lim) 1339, JC&N Throup (BB) 992
p/kg: D&FJ Leeming (Lim) 157.5, JC&N Throup (BB) 157.5
4,852 Prime Sheep comprising 3,580 Prime Lambs, & 1,272 Cast Ewes & Rams
Nearly 5,000 sheep sold today, including the largest show of lambs this season (3,580 head) which were a nice trade on the day with a good average of 188p across the board reflecting the more mixed quality show on the week, with less of the very smart lambs about and more of the first cross types forward, overall trade was very similar on the week. Heavy lambs were in strong demand, with a good amount making nicely over £100, and rougher sorts mid to late £90’s. Messrs Hewetson topped the market at £115 with 49kg Continentals purchased by Kendalls Farm Butchers of Harrogate and Pateley Bridge, and this was matched by S&P Scrivin of Elslack whose 46kg Beltex also made £115 selling to Andrew Atkinson, these were also top price per kilo at 250.0p/kg. Better Beltex lambs making 230p to 245p, including Duncan Halliday 243p, James Garth 243p David Boothman 240p, Ellis Bros 239p.
Plenty of nice bred Suffolk or Continental lambs either side of £2, a more commercial lamb weighing mid 40’s was 188p to 195p, and a handier weighted commercial lamb 180p to 190p. A few nice Mule wethers forward, best end making either side of £80 or 175p to 185p, up to £89 form Bernard Simpson, £87 Joe Throup. Nice Swaledale wether lambs direct from the fell 150p to 165p, topping at 168p from John Mason.
Prime Lambs – Overall Average £80.35 per head or 188.06p/kg
32.1kg to 35.9kg to 194.3p/kg av 166.8p/kg or £56.50 per head
36.0kg to 45.5kg to 243.2p/kg av 187.9p/kg or £79.71 per head
45.6kg to 52.0kg to 250.0p/kg av 190.6p/kg or £92.89 per head
52.1kg and over to 196.4p/kg av 181.6p/kg or £98.47 per head
Beltex average £84.76 per head or 208.8p/kg
£ per head: £115 S&P Scrivin, £115 £104 JA&JH Hewetson; £112 DJ Halliday; £105 D Asquith; £104 J Brigg; £103 Ellis Bros; £102 JC Marshall;
p/kg: 250.0p 238.1p S&P Scrivin; 243.5p DJ Halliday; 243.2p James Garth & Son; 240.0p DG Boothman; 239.5p Ellis Bros; 235.7p WJ Barker;
Suffolk average £78.24 per head or 181.6p/kg
£ per head: £104 £95.50 £93 TH Mellin; £98 SL&SD Lund; £98 £93 JR Airey; £94 D&A Livestock; £93 Ashfield Farms;
p/kg: 204.4p JC Marshall; 199.0 197.9p TH Mellin; 198.9p 196.0p JR Airey; 196.5p R Emmott; 193.2p MJ Spensley;
Texel average £81.08 per head or 188.2p/kg
£ per head: £111 £106 G Airey; £108 BS Simpson; £108 JA&JH Hewetson; £107 B Spensley; £107 A Calvert; £106 RG Church; £106 Ashfield Farms;
p/kg: 220.5p TH Mellin; 216.3p G Airey; 210.9p J Turner; 209.3p R Emmott; 208.5p RG Church; 207.6p A Calvert & Son;
Mule average £71.09 per head or 170.3p/kg
£ per head: £89 BS Simpson; £87.00 JC&N Throup; £80 AJ Mason; £80 P Addyman & Son; £78 OM Chapman; £76.50 WA VJ JA Towler;
p/kg: 185.4p BS Simpson; 178.4p 177.0p JM&S Tennant; 174.4p ID Mellin; 174.4p James Garth & Son; 173.7p J&D Barritt; 177.3p P Addyman & Son;
Charollais average £81.96 per head or 188.7p/kg
£ per head: £100 J Turner; £100 £86.50 £86 £83 D Calvert & Son; £95 £90 £83 D&A Livestock; £84.50 CD Baxter;
p/kg: 214.3p 211.1p 193.0p D&A Livestock; 200.0p J Turner; 200.0p D Calvert & Son; 192.0p CD Baxter;
Rouge average £87 per head or 195.8p/kg
£ per head: £91 £83 JA&JM Wade; £77 D Asquith;
p/kg: 197.8p 193.0p JA&JM Wade; 192.5p D Asquith;
Swaledale average £53.46 per head or 159.9p/kg
£ per head: £64 £52.50 AJ Mason;
p/kg: 168.4p 159.1p AJ Mason;
BFL average £85.50 per head or 168.8p/kg
£ per head: £87 AJ Mason; £75 Ellis Bros;
p/kg: 170.6p AJ Mason; 156.3p Ellis Bros;
Zwartable average £75 per head or 170.5p/kg
£ per head: £75 J Pighills
p/kg: 170.5p J Pighills
1,272 Cast & Feeding Ewes
A record entry of 1,272 farmers cull sheep, and meat was very much in demand for Qurbani with best Suffolks and Texels into 3 figures and averaging £71.50, whilst best Mules £73 to £83. A high percentage of lean ewes on the market, and this was the first sale to see more than a handful of Horned ewes, best of these into the £50’s, but including several runs of very lean ewes straight from the fell.
Cull Ewes average £49.89
Suffolk to £100.50, Texel to £130, BFL to £99.50, Mule to £82.50, Lleyn to £54.50, Swaledale to £50.50, Masham to £65.50, Gritstone to £38.50, Cheviot to £74.50, Beltex to £92.50, SBF to £57.50, Charollais to £83.50, Dalesbred to £38.50, Herdwick to £53.50, Kerry Hill to £61.50.
Top prices:
Lowland: £130 W Watson; £114.50 I Marsden; £114.50 JH&SM Mason;
Mule/Masham: £82.50 A&ED Booth; £78.50 L Bancroft;
Horned: £57.50 TA&N Whitfield; £50.50 P Addyman;
Hill: £99.50 K&J Marshall; 78.50 P Addyman & Son;
Cast Rams average £56.89
Suffolk to £46.50, Texel to £89.50, BFL to £57.50, Bleu to £96.50, Swaledale to £49.50.
£96.50 JA Drake; £89.50 SD Bennett;
Rearing Calves to £400 (61)
B&W av £87.05 Cont av £263.15 Native av £145.86
Calves a useful trade with the Black and White bull average assisted by a couple of runs of Friesian crosses which were sought after at £120+. A mixed entry of Coloured calves with standout British Blue heifers still £335-£400 and the British Blue Bulls £350+ for the top end.
Bull Calves
Limousin x (Av £282) to £285
Brit Blue x (Av £313) to £365
Aberdeen Angus (Av £153) to £180
Hereford X (Av £190) to £190
Cont (Av £166) to £200
Black & White (Av £87) to £150
Heifer Calves
Hereford (Av £105) to £105
Ab Angus (Av £134) to £225
British Blue (Av £335) to £400
Limousin (Av £196) to £265
Craven Dairy Auction (10 head)
A decent show of 10 Dairies for the NMR sponsored Early Sale in the Month saw a varied selection sell to a nigh on total clearance for the day. Judging was undertaken by brothers Malcolm and Stephen Abbott from Dacre, and they were immediately drawn to a pair of heifers shown by regular consignor Mark Smith from Winterburn. Their champion was a mainly white, commercial homebred Heifer calved 22 days and giving 33 litres with a low cell count, out of a dam that had given over 10,000kg in her first lactation, and she sold for a solid price of £1550 to Skipton regular Roger Naylor. Mr Naylor also secured the reserve champion heifer from the same vendor, almost identical to look at, also giving 33 litres, she sold for £1500. Top price on the day was paid to Messrs DA&S Fort of Glusburn who are conducting an ongoing dispersal through the Craven Dairy Auctions. Mr Fort’s tidy commercial Newly Calved Heifer of only 10 days and giving 21 litres and rising, by the Genus Sire Theory, sold for £1650.
Judge – Abbott Bros
Prize Awards: Newly Calven Heifers: 1st & 2nd M&R Smith 3rd R Johnson & Son
Newly Calven Cows: 1st P Crabtree & Son
Champion & Reserve – M&R Smith
Newly Calven Heifers (£1320): to £1650 DA&S Fort, £1550 £1500 MR Smith, £1450 R Jennings
Newly Calven Cows (£1000): av £1000 P Crabtree & Son
Wheat Straw Quads to £100 per ton
Mini Heston to £35 per bale
Hay Mini Heston to £56 per bale
Quads to £36 per bale
Round to £45 per bale