52 Prime cattle comprising 24 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos), 1 Clean Cattle (over 30 mos) & 27 Cast Cattle
2740 Prime Sheep comprising 2352 Prime Lambs & 388 Cast Ewes & Rams
30 Rearing Calves
7 Dairy Cattle
8 Loads of produce
Prime Cattle (under 30 mos)
A nice show of 52 cattle altogether for 2nd week in January and a full ringside of bidders to compete for them.
Keelham Farm Shop of Skipton accounted for the highest gross beast at the weekly sale consigned by Mesrs RT&J Critchley&Sons of Hutton who produced a pen of high fliers. Top was a 595kg Limousin cross heifer which amounted to £1508 when making 253.5p/kg whilst the leading gross steer was a 570kg Limousin cross from Bill Cowperthwaite of Malham Moor which fell to Paul Ellison of Cullingworth for £1456 or 255.5p/kg. A good show with a couple of buyers failing to secure purchases.
560kg+ to 255.5p/kg av. 231.91p/kg
400-480kg to 99.5p/kg
480kg+ to 267.5p/kg av. 229.41p/kg
Top Prices £ per head and p/kg
£ per head: TW Cowperthwaite (Limx) 1456,CD&RF Kitching (BBx) 1401, T Boothman (Gall) 1363
p/kg: TW Cowperthwaite (Limx) 255.5, CD&RF Kitching (BBx) 239.5, T Boothman (Gall) 205
£ per head: RT&J Critchley&Sons (Limx) 1508,1428, JW Stockdale&Sons (Limx) 1485, SD Bennett (Limx) 1428,CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 1423
p/kg: JW Stockdale&Sons (Limx) 267.5, RT&J Critchley&Sons (Limx) 266.5,264.5,259.5,253.5, Phoenix Grain Co Ltd (Limx) 259.5, JW Stockdale&Son (Limx) 259.5, SD Bennett (Limx) 250.5
Cast cattle received the attention of 9 buyers and a similar trade. Plain and one grade better look the best sold with heavy dairies only slightly more expensive at around the 100p/kg.
Overall Average 94.19p/kg £643.29
Black & White to 100.5p/kg av. 88.86p/kg
Limx to 97.5p/kg av. 95.5p/kg
BBx to 97.5p/kg av. 91.5p/kg
Charx to 98.5p/kg
AA to 110.5p/kg av. 107.17p/kg
Gall to 115p/kg
Top Prices (£ per head or p/kg)
£ per head: CM&EM Gratton 761,739,725, JP&KE Hartley 741,683, GB Jennings 697, HK&KL Blackwell 668, GB Moorhouse 666
p/kg: CM&EM Gratton 100.5,99.5,97.5,93.5, JP&KE Hartley 97.5, M&R Smith 94.5, G Pickersgill&Sons 91.5
£ per head: TH&A Pickard&Son (Limx) 754, JH&SM Mason (Limx) 687, RS&HA Davey (BBx) 663,(Part) 612
p/kg: R&E Pollard (Charx) 98.5, JH&SM Mason (Limx) 97.5, RS&HA Davey (BBx) 97.5,TH&A Pickard&Son 95.5
£ per head: J&AJ Preston (AA) 873,806,774, T Boothman (Gall) 673,
p/kg: TG Boothman (Gall) 115, J&JA Preston (AA) 110.5,108.5,102.5
Overall Average 117.5p/kg £1122
£ per head: P Crabtree 1122
p/kg: P Crabtree 117.5
2740 Prime Sheep comprising 2352 Prime Lambs & 388 Cast Ewes & Rams
Less numbers about countrywide today, and that was the case for us too with only 2,352 lambs penned today. General results saw the smart end of ¾ Beltex dearer seeing a 10p-20p rise on the week. Handyweight 37kg-42kg lowland lambs would be 2p-3p dearer, heavier lambs 2p cheaper, Mules 4p-5p dearer, and light horned lambs about 3p-5p cheaper. Overall average at 198.2p against a Standard Quality Quotation of 203.6p for a show containing over 700 hill bred lambs represents a good return.
JA&JH Hewetson topped the market at 294.9p on two occasions, both pens 39kg at £115 each, first to Vivers Scotlamb and then to Worsley Wholesale Meats. Ali Jenkinson was high up the list as usual at 278.4p (37kg £103), Ellis Bros 278p, Tony Kiernan and Chris Akrigg 274.4p. In total 27pens sold for over 250p, and a further 36 pens from 230p to 250p. The 505 Beltex lambs averaged 236p.
A nice lowland handyweight lamb was 215p to 230p, with a commercial sort 200p to 210p.
Heavy lambs generally £1 cheaper on the week, but still 50kg to 55kg lambs sold at £93 to £108, and 46kg to 49kg £88 to £100.
Hill Lambs made up nearly one third of the entry today with over 700 Mule, Masham, Swale, Dales, Lonk, Gritstone, Cheviot lambs penned for sale. Mule Wethers were dearer on the week, best sorts 185p to 190p, Steve Dorey 47kg at £89, 46kg £86.50, 45kg £85, 2 pens of 44kg at £84, Colin Ryder 46kg £85, Kevin Wilson 44kg £83.
Swales and Dalesbred a shade easier by £2 apiece on the week, but Lonk, Gritstone Cheviot types easily maintaining last weeks good rates.
Cast sheep attracted a very competitive ringside of 12 buyers and all rates sold away well, keeping up to last weeks better prices.
Prime Lambs – Overall Average £84.97 per head or 198.22p/kg
32.1kg to 35.9kg to 260p/kg av 172.26p/kg or £59.55 per head
36.0kg to 45.5kg to 294.9p/kg av 206.76p/kg or £85.57 per head
45.6kg to 52.0kg to 229.8p/kg av 189.22p/kg or £90.37 per head
52.1kg and over to 197.8p/kg av 177.23p/kg or £94.96 per head
Beltex average £93.80 per head or 229.8p/kg
£ per head: £115x2 JA&JH Hewetson; £114 £109 £108 Ellis Bros; £110 £109 W&J Parkinson; £109 WA VJ JA Towler; £108 Fox Farm;
p/kg: 294.9p x2 JA&JH Hewetson; £278.4p A Jenkinson; 278.0p Ellis Bros; 274.54 T Kiernan; 274.4p CT Akrigg; 268.3p W&J Parkinson;
Suffolk average £88.91 per head or 189.3p/kg
£ per head: £106 £102 £97.50 S Dorey; £98.50 £95 £93x2 J&C Wright; £96 CN&SA Harrison; £94.50 NA Bell;
p/kg: 212.8p IMA&RJ Smith; £195.3p JW Barker; 193.6p 192.2p 191.7p 191.2p 191.1p S Dorey; 189p NA Bell;
Texel average £88.91 per head or 199.5p/kg
£ per head: £107 J Baines; £105 NM Handy; £104 A&CL Gray; £103 S Dorey; £100 MJ&GC Dobson; £100 C Crowther;
p/kg: 237.5p MP Jennings; 235.7p MR&GP Beresford; 234.6p CD&RF Kitching; 225.6p R&A Jennings; 225.6p A&CL Gray;
Mule average £80.26 per head or 181.8p/kg
£ per head: £91 £85 M Ryder; £88 £83 JK Wilson; £87x2 £84 JH Throup; £86.50 £85 £84 S Dorey;
p/kg: 190.9p 188.9p 188.0p S Dorey; 188.6p JK Wilson; 186.3p A Jenkinson; 186.3p J Cheetham; £185.1p JH Throup;
Charollais average £83.32 per head or 196.5p/kg
£ per head: £95 S Dorey; £79.50 GT Carr; £74 JM Smith & Son; £70 LJ Clay;
p/kg: 205.6p JM Smith & Son; 200.0p LJ Clay; 197.9p S Dorey; 189.3p GT Carr;
Gritstone average £79.80 per head or 196.0p/kg
£ per head: £84.50 B Dibb; £75.50 £60 F&R Fielden;
p/kg: 200.0p 193.6p F&R Fielden; £196.5p B Dibb;
Swaledale average £61.99 per head or 159.4p/kg
£ per head: £79.50 FC N &M Walker; £78 £75.50 R Tennant; £74.50 WB Woodsworth; £74 K Huck; £73.50 W Mason & Son;
p/kg: 178.0p 177.6p 168.8p H Smith; 173.1p N Suttill; 165.1p J Cheetham; 164.7p SM Towler; 163.3p W Mason & Son;
Lonk average £76.27 per head or 180.8p/kg
£ per head: £82 J Cheetham; £76 C Crowther;
p/kg: 181.0p C Crowther; 178.3p J Cheetham;
Masham average £85.87 per head or 189.0p/kg
£ per head: £89 £86 £84 S Dorey;
p/kg: 190.9p 189.4p 187.0p S Dorey;
Suffolk to £95.5, Texel to £109.5, BFL to £100.5, Mule to £72.5, Swaledale to £45.5, Jacob to £57.5, Dalesbred to £41.5, Charollais to £62.5.
Top prices:
Lowland: £109.5, £108.5 D&J Isherwood; £107.5 JC Marshall
Mule/Masham: £72.5 AJ Taylor; £67.5 J&C Wright
Horned: £45.5 JK Wilson; £45.5 G&MA Lawn
Hill: £100.5 G&MA Lawn;
Cast Rams average £69.47
Texel to £80.5, BFL to £68.5, Swaledale to £60.5, Cheviot to £65.5, Beltex to £74.5, Lonk to £56.5.
Rearing Calves to £440
B&W av £42 Cont av £302.49 Native av £226.5
A smaller show of calves forward this morning but a very handy trade for the calves forward. Topping the billing was the first calf in the market from Joss Lancaster of Horton in Craven with a strong British Blue bull rumbling its way up to £440. The natives found some strong bidding too, ending up at an average of £251.67 for AA bulls.
Despite demand for continental heifers being somewhat subdued of late, however no fewer than 6 heifer buyers batted the best heifers above £300 and topped at £330 for another Joss Lancaster entry.
Bull Calves
Limousin x (Av £323.33) to £365 G Pickersgill & Son
Brit Blue x (Av £269.09) to £330 J&SA Lancaster
Aberdeen Angus (Av £251.67) to £260 JP&KE Hartley
Black & White (Av £42) to £42 RM&J Throup
Heifer Calves
Ab Angus (Av £150) to £150 JP&KE Hartley
British Blue (Av £269.09) to £330 J&SA Lancaster
Lim (Av £285) to £285 C&SB Whitelock
Craven Dairy Auction (7 head)
A small show of dairy forward this morning however a decent trade was set by a healthy contingent of buyers. In the pre – Sale show Rob Marshall of Dacre chose the 2nd Calved cow from Robert Crisp of Calton as his Champion with Mr Crisps heifer also landing the Reserve Rosette. The prize winners lead the prices also with the Champion selling for £1800 and the reserve to £1880 both heading to Queensbury with Richard Sutcliffe.
Judge – Rob Marshall
Prize Awards: Champion & Reserve – ASE Crisp & Son
Newly Calven Heifers (av £1425): to £1880 ASE Crisp & Son
Newly Calven Cows (av £1550): to £1800 ASE Crisp & Son
Hay Rounds to £146 per tonne
Small Bale to £4.50 per bale
Wheat Straw Quads to £82 per tonne