

Forward: 38 Prime Cattle comprising 18 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos), 3 Clean Cattle (over 30 mos) & 17 Cast Cattle 3,727 Prime Sheep comprising 3533 Prime Hoggs & 194 Cast Ewes & Rams 66 Rearing Calves 114 Breeding Sheep comprising 45 Ewes with 71 Lambs 8 Loads of produce


Prime Cattle (under 30 mos)

RT&J Critchley&Sons from Hutton lead the way at the weekly sale with 550kg Limousin cross heifer which grossed up to £1471 or 267.5p/kg both leading prices when selling to Countrystyle Meats of Lancaster. Keelham Farm Shop at Thornton was active at the ringside buying the next highest gross a 575kg Limousin cross heifer from Mesrs JW Stockdale&Sons of Burnsall for £1440 or 250.5p/kg. In the highest gross section once again George Cropper buying for Sandersons Butchers of Baxenden bought a 530kg Limousin cross heifer from Mesrs RT&J Critchley&Sons for 257.5p/kg or £1365.



465-560kg                                             to 240.5p/kg

560kg+                                                   to 236.5p/kg                        av.229.23p/kg


485kg+                                                   to 267.5 p/kg                       av.239.02p/kg

Top Prices £ per head and p/kg


£ per head: JA Drake (Limx) 1357, CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 1336,

p/kg: RT&J Critchley&Sons (Blondex) 240.5, CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 236.5


£ per head: RT&J Critchley&Sons (Limx) 1471, 1365, 1348, JW Stockdale&Sons (Limx) 1440, CD&RF Kitching (Blondex) 1412,

p/kg: RT&J Critchley&Son (Limx) 267.5,257.5, (BBx) 247.5, D&FJ Leeming&Son (Limx) 252.5,244.5, JW Stockdale&Sons (Limx) 250.5,


Cull Cow Prices

Overall Average                                   106.14p/kg           £780.45

More meat on the market which accounts partially for the increase but remains an underlying trend upwards. A better sample of beef cross cows with Hefdx to £1035 and Angus to £998. Dairies with finish 105p to 112.5p and the plainer end no less than 80p.

Black & White                      to 112.5p/kg                        av. 101.20 p/kg

AA                                           to 119.5p/kg

Hefdx                                     to 109.5p/kg                       

Limx                                       to 114.5p/kg                        av.98.10p/kg

Top Prices (£ per head or p/kg)


£ per head: M Baul&Sons Ltd 893,777,770, GB Moorhouse 886,714, CM&EM Gratton 861,

p/kg: CM&EM Gratton 112.5, M Baul&Sons Ltd 109.5,108.5,101.5, GB Moorhouse 99.5,96.5.


£ per head: Beeston Hall Farms 875, Beeston Hall Farms 873, DM Parker&Ptns 864

p/kg: Beeston Hall Farms Ltd (Saler) 132.5,126.5, DM Parker&Partners 114.5,99.5


£ per head: D&J Isherwood (AA) 119.5, B Spensley Ltd 109.5

p/kg:  B Spensley Ltd (AA) 1035, D&J Isherwood (Hefdx) 99


3,727 Prime Sheep comprising 3533 Prime Hoggs & 194 Cast Ewes & Rams

Sheep numbers up this week with 3,533 lambs penned for sale, which saw a 2p/kg rise in overall average value to level at 192p/kg, a great result considering 1480 lambs scaled 46kg or more. Todays entry included some great runs of fed Continental, Suffolk and Mule Wether lambs from regular local vendors and several runs of travelled lambs off root crops in Norfolk, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire.
Starting with the smart end, it was Andrew Phillips, Burton Leonard who topped the market at 307p when his pen of 40kg Beltex made £123 each to Vivers Scotlamb. The same vendor making 295p when his 43kg made the top price in sale of £127 each. Alaistair Sutcliffe from Carlton in Cleveland had a great run of lambs which topped at 300p (38kg £114) and others at 297p 292p 291p with the trailer full of lambs averaging 280p/kg.
A commercial lowland bred export lamb was again best to sell on the day at 210p to 230p (38kg-43kg), and a lowland heavy lamb 49kg-50kg plus was also a decent trade, best heavy’s 53kg to 57kg for butchers trade could make £100-£110, up to £113 from H Harvey & Son Norfolk, and a commercial heavy into the mid 90’s. The smart 46kg to 48kg could make either side of £100 up to £106 for 47kg Texels from Michael Thwaite, Airton, but a commercial 46kg to 48kg is rather caught in “no mans land” at the moment and is hardest to place of anything.
Mules Wethers were forward in much larger numbers today with 743 head in the entry. Best end in the late 80’s, topping at £90 from Nick Carlisle of Kilnsey. Best weight of Mules to sell being 47kg-48kg.

Prime Hoggs – Overall Average £86.64 per head or 192.2p/kg              

32.1kg to 35.9kg to 291.4p/kg         av 232.55p/kg      or £80.81 per head

36.0kg to 45.5kg to 307.5p/kg         av 202.78p/kg      or £85.36 per head

45.6kg to 52.0kg to 237.5p/kg         av 181.52p/kg      or £87.78 per head

52.1kg and over   to 201.9p/kg         av 171.29p/kg      or £94.59 per head


Beltex average £96.77 per head or 226.75p/kg

£ per head: £127, £123 x2, £115 RL&AR Phillips; £115 JS Eddleston; £114.5 RJ Capstick; £114 x2 AR Sutcliffe;

p/kg:307.5 RL&AR Phillips; 300, 297.3p AR Sutcliffe; 295.3p RL&AR Phillips; 292.3p, 291.4p RL&AR Phillips;

Suffolk average £86.33 per head or 184.12p/kg

£ per head: £102.5 G Beresford & Son; £98.5 J&C Wright; £98.5 NA Bell; £98 J&C Wright; £98 PC Longdin; £98 G Beresford

p/kg: 212.5p MB Allen; 209.5p CD&RF Kitching; 206p, 197.7p x3 CR Brittain; 192.7p D&GM Scott; 191.9p PC Longdin;

Texel average £87.42 per head or 197.15p/kg

£ per head: £114 JG Hall & Son; £113 H Harvey & Son; £109 J Watson; £108.5 F Webster; £108 F Webster; £108 RH&MR Ireland;

p/kg: 237.5p JG Hall & Son; 237.1p FT Shackleton; 234.1p AR Sutcliffe; 234.1p CR Brittain; 229.3p BL&R Lund;

Mule average £79.51 per head or 1751.94p/kg

£ per head: £90, £89 RN Carlisle; £87, £84, £83.5 JN Wright Agriculture; £87 H Harvey & Son; £87 G Beresford;

p/kg:182.5p CD&RF Kitching; 181.1p, 180p H Downs & Son; 179.8p S Dorey; 179.1p CD&RF Kitching; 179.1px2 S Dorey;

Charollais average £88.45 per head or 197.05p/kg

£ per head: £98.5, £92 M Banyard; £91.5 CR Brittain; £89 PC Longdin; £89, £86.5 CR Brittain; £85, £84 PC Longdin;

p/kg: 221.8p, 208p, 202.3p CR Brittain; 197.6p S Dorey; 193.2p PC Longdin; 190.9p, 187.8p M Banyard; 186.7p PC Longdin

Lonk average £71.21 per head or 175.01p/kg

£ per head: £87 JG Hall & Son; £77, £71, £68 C Crowther;

p/kg:177.5p 175p, 174.4p C Crowther; 174p JG Hall & Son;

Swaledale average £68.25 per head or 165.45p/kg

£ per head: £77 P Addyman; £76.5 T Boothman; £69 AL Dean & Son; £68 JR Smith; £66.5 JM&S Tennant; £65 W Mason 

p/kg: 170p T Boothman; 168.3p AL Dean; 166.3p J Tennant; 166.1p W Mason; 165.3p S Horsfield; 158.1p JR Smith

Cheviot average £78.15 per head or 184.21p/kg

£ per head: £83 W Holden; £80.5, £79.5, £78x2 H Downs & Son; £73.5 Brafferton Manor Farms; £70 JL&J Pate

p/kg: 212.8p W Holden; 195p , 193.9p H Downs & Son; 193.4p Brafferton Manor Farmers; 191.7p H Downs & Son;



Cull Ewes average £46.78

 Texel to £105.5 J Mitchell, BFL to £78.5, Mule to £78.5, Dalesbred to £37.5, Swaledale to £39.5, Masham to £79.5, SBF to £42.5, Cheviot to £78.5.

Top prices:

Lowland: £105.5 J Mitchell; £104.5 GW&EJ Parker;

Mule/Masham: £79.5 £78.5 MB Allen; £66.5 MJ&GC Dobson   

Horned: £42.5 Beeston Hall; £39.5 JA Throup

Hill: £78.5 J&C Wright; £70.5 PJ&JE Bolland

Cast Rams average £54.71

Texel to £34.5, BFL to £68.5, Charollais to £83.5, Lleyn to £70, Beltex to £79.5.




Rearing Calves to £415 X4 (66)

Dairy av £57.46 Cont av £275.1 Native av £180.44


A good number of calves forward today with a nice trade throughout. Best of the trade fell on the British Blue bulls with 7 calves past £400 this morning topping at £415 no fewer than 4 times with Joss Lancaster and Mike Longster the successful vendors,

Blue heifers a touch easier today with only a handful of stronger types breaking the £300 bracket.


 Native calves saw some good prices today with Angus bulls averaging out at £180.63 topping at £240 for a calf from Stephen Marshall of West End. Heifers were spritely too with David and Ann Smith topping at £260 for a cracking Angus heifer with a section average of £187.


Black and whites were a straight trade averaging out at £46 for the goods on offer with a run of Dairy Shorthorn bulls averaging out at £68 topping at £110 from Ian Collins. 


Bull Calves

Limousin x (Av £232.5) to £280 JC&DJ Marshall                          

Brit Blue x (Av £339.64) to £415 x3 J&SA Lancaster; £415 JF Longster;                                                 

Aberdeen Angus (Av £180.63) to £240 JC&DJ Marshall

Simmental (Av £150) to £150 JM Smith & Son

Hereford X (Av £120) to £120 Flasby Estates

Dairy Shorthorn (Av £68.14) to £110 IRG Collins Partners

Black & White (Av £46.13) to £70 Flasby Estates                        


Heifer Calves                       

Simmental x (Av £180) to £180 JM Smith & Son                                                         

Ab Angus (Av £187.78) to £260 FD&SA Smith                                                             

British Blue (Av £210) to £310 J&SA Lancaster

Lim (Av £270) to £270 M&R Smith




114 Breeding Sheep

A larger show of breeding sheep and another decent trade was experienced. Best twin outfits topping £200 per outfit, whilst those with younger lambs around the £180 per outfit region. Please let us have your entries by 12noon Friday for the following Mondays sale for inclusion in the weekly online catalogue so potential buyers can see what we have coming for sale. Thankyou.


Principle prices:

Down x Ewes with Twins                   to £170

Suff Ewes with Twins                          to £205

Texel Ewes with Twins                       to £230

Mule Ewes with Twins                       to £165

Down x Ewes with Singles                 to £125

Suff Ewes with Singles                       to £150

Texel Ewes with Singles                     to £170





Hay                         Mini Heston         to £38

                                Small                      to £3.80


Haylage                  Quads                     to £30


Wheat Straw        Mini Heston          to £25


Barley Straw         Quads                     to £18