CCM Texel double-header creates widespread interest from both vendors and buyers
Teeswater female champion at CCM Skipton Rare & Native Breeds highlight
Hollywood’s Mick Burke stars on price at CCM Skipton online working sheepdog sale
Gimmer lamb trade well up at CCM Skipton show and sale highlight
Fortnightly Catalogue Sale of Store Lambs & Gimmer lambs. Forward: 7567 Head, Overall av £101.78
Opening Show & Sale of North of England Mule Ewe Lambs on behalf of NEMSA Members. FORWARD: 4,297 head at an overall average of £130.05 per head (+£6.72)
Trade steps up a gear at CCM Skipton NEMSA ewe lambs opener
Trade steps up a gear at CCM Skipton NEMSA ewe lambs opener Defending champions successfully retain crowns
Forward: 18 Prime cattle comprising 8 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos) & 10 Cast Cattle. 4,042 Prime Sheep comprising 2966 Spring Lambs, Hoggs & 1076 Cast Ewes & Rams. 32 Rearing Calves.
September prime lambs show when Ellis Bros, Addingham Moorside, took the title for the third month running,
INAUGURAL SHOW & SALE OF VALAIS BLACKNOSE SHEEP Top price was the first sheep into the ring, the first prize ewe lamb consigned by Adam Kirkbride .
Annual Show & Sale of Beltex Ram & Females. Forward: 414 Head
3,000gns top call at inaugural Northern Valais Blacknose Club fixture at CCM Skipton
Lillieslief Greens the dream team at CCM Skipton annual pedigree Beltex Society highlight
Lewis reserve champion ewe lamb claims 900gns top price at CCM Skipton Jacob highlight
Ernie Sherwin on top form again at CCM Skipton Wensleydale Longwool highlight
Price 1400gns top price at CCM Skipton Kerry hill highlight Pricewise, it was the Powys Prices, husband and wife, Robert and Jean, Pentrenant flock, Churchstoke, who procured top call of 1,400gns
Forward: 8 Prime cattle comprising 5 Clean & 3 Cast Cattle 2527 Prime Sheep comprising 2002 Prime Lambs & 525 Cast Ewes & Rams 26 Rearing Calves 85 Kerry Hill Sheep
2nd SHOW & SALE OF KERRY HILL BREEDING SHEEP Top price at the 2023 Show and Sale of Registered Kerry Hill Sheep
Mule wether lambs trade to £92 top for Clifford White victors North of England Mule wether lambs had their day in the spotlight at Skipton Auction Mart
Fortnightly Catalogue Sale of Store Lambs & Breeding Sheep. Forward: 6,695 Head, Overall av £77.57
Top end sheep in solid demand at CCM Skipton gimmer shearling opener The 2023 breeding sheep season at CCM Skipton Auction Mart again launched with the traditional opening annual show and sale of gimmer shearlings
Annual Show & Sale of Ewes, Shearlings & Rams. Forward: 5821 Head. 5271 Shearlings. 528 Ewes. 22 Rams.
Forward: 17 Prime cattle comprising 13 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos) & 4 Cast Cattle Prime Sheep comprising Prime Lambs & 558 Cast Ewes & Rams 29 Rearing Calves 4 Dairy
Winterburn heifer champion and £2,100 top price at Craven Dairy Auction
Forward: 444 head of cattle. Comprising: 311 Feeding Cattle (26 Young Bulls, 13 Beef Feeding Cows & Bull, 5 Prime Cattle, 267 Bullocks & Heifers) & 31 Breeding Cattle.
Forward: 3,138 Prime Sheep comprising 2457 Spring Lambs & 681 Cast Ewes & Rams 30 Rearing Calves
Calderdale’s Charlie Leach bags another CCM Skipton young handlers prime lambs crown
CCM stages third Upsall Shorthorn Production Sale - Top call was a Cow & Calf selling for 3500gns.
Forward: 4,375 Store, Feeding and Breeding Sheep 4,068 Head Store Lambs, Overall av £87.61 307 Breeding Ewes & Rams Overall av £134.03
Store lambs up nicely in price at CCM Skipton Skipton Auction Mart’s third seasonal store lambs fixture produced an overall selling average of £87.61 for 4,068 head,
Spring lamb prices up by 10p/kg at CCM Skipton A solid turnout of almost 2,400 Spring lambs
Trade to £2400 for early August Dairy Sale at CCM Skipton Of the five vendors who consigned 14 fresh cows and heifers
Shades of Autumn colour the sale ring at late September CCM Dairy Auction With this time of year resonating with the golden colours of Autumn the latest Craven Dairy Auction at CCM Skipton did similarly with a fine entry of over 40 lots sold to include Holsteins, Ayrshire, Red and White Holstein and the Autumn Jersey sale, held for the third time and again sold by leading breed auctioneer Mark Davis, of Devon-based Kivells.
Fortnightly Catalogue Sale of Store Lambs. Forward: 8,810 Head, 8723 Store Lambs Overall av £77.75. 87 Horned Feeding Ewes Overall av £40.48.
3,000-plus wether lambs take centre stage at CCM Skipton This season’s horned wether lambs had their main show and sale day of the year at Skipton Auction Mart when another large turnout of 8,723 store lambs included 2,100 Mule and Masham wethers, and 1,200 horned wethers, all trading to an overall selling average of £77.75 per head.
Second Prize Show & Sale of North of England Mule Ewe Lambs on behalf of NEMSA Members. Forward: 6,567 head at an overall average of £118.12 (+15.86 on 2020)
NEMSA gimmer lamb averages up again at 2nd CCM Skipton sale Another improved overall selling average of £118.12 per head, up £15.86 on the year, was achieved at Skipton Auction Mart’s second annual gimmer lamb show and sale on behalf of members of the North of England Mule Sheep Association (NEMSA), with the turnout of 6,567 head almost 400 up on 2020 and again producing solid prices for top-end pens, with runners also in high demand.
Forward: 40 Prime cattle comprising 18 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos) & 21 Cast Cattle 3,607 Prime Sheep comprising 3061 Prime Lambs & 546 Cast Ewes & Rams 54 Rearing Calves
TREMENDOUS TURNOUT AND SOLID TRADE AT CCM SKIPTON TEXEL HIGHLIGHT Alwent flock claims 3,600gns top price with champion ram lamb The milestone 40th Northern Area Texel Sheep Breeders’ annual sale of pedigree rams and females at Skipton Auction Mart once again produced some tremendous runs of sheep suitable for both pedigree and commercial use, among a strong entry of 435 head.
CCM Auctions conducted the Northern Area Texel Sheep Breeders Club Sale at Skipton Mart on Thursday and Friday this week. Forward 435 head.
Fortnightly Sale of Young Feeding Bulls, Store Bullocks & Heifers, Breeding Cattle Forward: 536 head of cattle Comprising: 518 Feeding Cattle (75 Young Bulls, 28 Beef Feeding Cows & Bulls, 415 Bullocks & Heifers) & 18 Breeding Cattle.
Forward: 1717 Head comp: 1688 Ewes & Shearlings & 29 Pedigree Charollais Rams CCM Auctions held their fortnightly sale of Gimmer Shearlings and Breeding Ewes at Skipton Mart on Tuesday.
Strong selling average maintained at 2nd Skipton shearling gimmer sale Skipton Auction Mart’s second annual gimmer shearlings sale, as usual complemented by breeding ewes, produced an overall all-breeds selling average of £176.68 for 1,717 head, on a par with the £177.43 average achieved at the high profile seasonal opener a fortnight earlier.
Forward: 28 Prime cattle comprising 13 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos) & 15 Cast Cattle 3,098 Prime Sheep comprising 2382 Prime Lambs & 716 Cast Ewes & Rams 39 Rearing Calves 15 Dairy
Dairy and calf champions crowned at Skipton Shows for dairy cattle and dairy-bred rearing calves formed part of another busy Monday market day at Skipton Auction Mart. (Sept 13)
NEW SHOW & SALE OF BLUE TEXEL SHEEP Skipton Mart was host to The Blue Texel Sheep Society when they held their Inaugural Autumn Show & Sale with a catalogue entry of 161 head. A tremendous show of sheep forward for sale, attracting a large crowd ringside.
Good trade today for the Rare Breeds with buyers out for quality. Herdwick ewes from C Mellin sold from 150-180gns. Plenty of customers ringside for Hill bred sheep including quality Herdwick tups. 10-year-old Poppy Throup, Silsden sold her Herdwick shlg Tup for 260gns.