Forward: 26 Prime cattle comprising 5 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos) & 21 Cast Cattle. 3,334 Prime Sheep comprising 2552 Prime Lambs & 782 Cast Ewes & Rams. 36 Rearing Calves.
6,400gns outfit top call and total clearance at CCM Skipton Beautry Beef Shorthorn sale
Green machine top of the flocks again at CCM Skipton pedigree Texel highlight
Forward: 471 head of cattle. Comprising: 471 Feeding Cattle (93 Young Bulls, 22 Beef Feeding Cows, 1 Stock Bull, 18 Prime Cattle, 337 Bullocks & Heifers).
Forward: 41 Head comprising 18 Prime Cattle, 22 Beef Feeding Cows, 1 Stock Bull.
Annual Second Show & Sale of Ewes, Shearlings & Rams. Forward: 2,403 Head.
Trade similar at 2nd annual CCM Skipton gimmer shearlings showcase
Show principals lead the way on price at Craven Dairy Auction
Forward: 25 Prime cattle comprising 5 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos), 2 Clean Cattle (over 30 mos) & 18 Cast Cattle. 2,324 Prime Sheep comprising 1747 Prime Lambs & 577 Cast Ewes & Rams. 55 Rearing Calves. 5 Dairy .
Monthly Sale of Stirks, Store Cattle Sheep & Goats.
CCM Texel double-header creates widespread interest from both vendors and buyers
Teeswater female champion at CCM Skipton Rare & Native Breeds highlight
Hollywood’s Mick Burke stars on price at CCM Skipton online working sheepdog sale
Gimmer lamb trade well up at CCM Skipton show and sale highlight
Fortnightly Catalogue Sale of Store Lambs & Gimmer lambs. Forward: 7567 Head, Overall av £101.78
Opening Show & Sale of North of England Mule Ewe Lambs on behalf of NEMSA Members. FORWARD: 4,297 head at an overall average of £130.05 per head (+£6.72)
Trade steps up a gear at CCM Skipton NEMSA ewe lambs opener
Trade steps up a gear at CCM Skipton NEMSA ewe lambs opener Defending champions successfully retain crowns
Forward: 18 Prime cattle comprising 8 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos) & 10 Cast Cattle. 4,042 Prime Sheep comprising 2966 Spring Lambs, Hoggs & 1076 Cast Ewes & Rams. 32 Rearing Calves.
September prime lambs show when Ellis Bros, Addingham Moorside, took the title for the third month running,
INAUGURAL SHOW & SALE OF VALAIS BLACKNOSE SHEEP Top price was the first sheep into the ring, the first prize ewe lamb consigned by Adam Kirkbride .
Annual Show & Sale of Beltex Ram & Females. Forward: 414 Head
3,000gns top call at inaugural Northern Valais Blacknose Club fixture at CCM Skipton
Lillieslief Greens the dream team at CCM Skipton annual pedigree Beltex Society highlight
Lewis reserve champion ewe lamb claims 900gns top price at CCM Skipton Jacob highlight
Ernie Sherwin on top form again at CCM Skipton Wensleydale Longwool highlight
Price 1400gns top price at CCM Skipton Kerry hill highlight Pricewise, it was the Powys Prices, husband and wife, Robert and Jean, Pentrenant flock, Churchstoke, who procured top call of 1,400gns
Forward: 8 Prime cattle comprising 5 Clean & 3 Cast Cattle 2527 Prime Sheep comprising 2002 Prime Lambs & 525 Cast Ewes & Rams 26 Rearing Calves 85 Kerry Hill Sheep
2nd SHOW & SALE OF KERRY HILL BREEDING SHEEP Top price at the 2023 Show and Sale of Registered Kerry Hill Sheep
Mule wether lambs trade to £92 top for Clifford White victors North of England Mule wether lambs had their day in the spotlight at Skipton Auction Mart
Breed stalwarts dominate Skipton Wensleydale Longwool highlight ... Dyed-in-the-wool Wensleydale Longwool sheep aficionados John McHardy and Ernie Sherwin dominated the 130th Association show and sale at Skipton Auction Mart, sharing the spoils when each picking up four of the eight trophies awarded at the annual WLSBA highlight.
Fortnightly Sale of Young Feeding Bulls, Store Bullocks & Heifers, Breeding Cattle Forward: 532 head of cattle; Comprising: 449 Feeding Cattle (45 Young Bulls, 29 Beef Feeding Cows & Bulls, 375 Bullocks & Heifers) & 83 Breeding Cattle.
Forward: 30 Prime cattle comprising 10 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos) & 20 Cast Cattle 2,872 Prime Sheep comprising 2287 Prime Lambs & 585 Cast Ewes & Rams 37 Rearing Calves 2 Loads of Produce
7,000-plus Skipton store lambs achieve total clearance While there was a more mixed selection forward at Skipton Auction Mart’s latest fortnightly Wednesday store lambs sale trade saw no let up, with total clearance of 7,133 head, all levelling at £81.88. (Aug 25)
Fortnightly Catalogue Sale of Store Lambs Forward: 7,133 Head, Overall av £81.88 A more mixed selection of lambs today, but trade seeing no let up as the sale saw a total clearance at very acceptable prices, 7,133 head levelling at £81.88.
Forward: 4,770 head of Gimmer Shearlings Shearling Gimmers were forward in good numbers today for the Annual Special Sale at Skipton where averages were significantly up on the year, very much in line with both vendors and purchasers expectations. This year we were able to return to having a Prize Show in the usual manner, and classes were held for Continental, Suffolk, Cheviot Mule, Masham and North of England Mule. A full list of results and prize awards is below.
Strong Skipton gimmer shearling trade up £25 on the year Skipton Auction Mart’s opening prize show and sale of gimmer shearlings, the traditional launch fixture for its annual breeding sheep season and one of the keynote early fixtures in the calendar, saw a total of 4,770 head sell to an overall all-breeds average of £177.43, well up on the previous year’s £152.05 and very much in line with both vendors’ and purchasers’ expectations. (Tues, Aug 24)
Forward: 24 Prime cattle comprising 9 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos) & 15 Cast Cattle 3,871 Prime Sheep comprising 3,126 Prime Lambs & 745 Cast Ewes & Rams 38 Rearing Calves 37 Dairy
Barden victory and top price success at Craven Dairy Auction Dales dairy farmer Ian Parkinson, who runs his Holstein Friesian commercial herd at Holme House Farm, Barden, consigned the champion at Skipton Auction Mart’s latest Craven Dairy Auction show and sale. (Mon, Aug 23)
Fortnightly Sale of Young Feeding Bulls, Store Bullocks & Heifers, Breeding Cattle Forward: 499 head of cattle Comprising: 482 Feeding Cattle (71 Young Bulls, 32 Beef Feeding Cows & Bulls, 379 Bullocks & Heifers) & 17 Breeding Cattle.
Forward: 31 Prime cattle comprising 16 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos) & 15 Cast Cattle 2,993 Prime Sheep comprising 2,440 Prime Lambs & 553 Cast Ewes & Rams 36 Rearing Calves 1 Load of Produce
8,500-plus Skipton store lambs sold to complete clearance Skipton Auction Mart’s fortnightly Wednesday store lambs sale saw plenty of local purchasers ringside, plus travelling buyers from Wales, Cumbria, South Yorkshire and several southern counties. (Wed, Aug 11)
Fortnightly Catalogue Sale of Store Lambs. Forward: 8,883 STORE & BREEDING SHEEP, comprising 8,508 Store Lambs (Overall av £82.94) and 375 Breeding Ewes
Dewi Jenkins’ Queen crowned £15,200 top price bitch at CCM Skipton online working sheep dog sale Welshman Dewi Jenkins, of Talybont, near Aberystwyth, reclaimed the bragging rights when finishing top dog on price with a £15,200 sale at Skipton Auction Mart’s latest working sheep dog sale, which reverted to a timed online format with real-time bidding over two days. (
Calderdale school chums land the spoils at Skipton young handlers prime lambs highlight Two best mates at Old Town Primary School in Hebden Bridge, eight-year-old Charlie Leach and nine-year-old Daniel Lund, were over the moon when becoming joint supreme champions at Skipton Auction Mart’s annual young handlers’ prime lamb show and sale.