

Forward: 26 Prime cattle comprising 18 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos), 1 Clean Cattle (over 30 mos) & 7 Cast Cattle 3,677 Prime Sheep comprising 3,121 Prime Lambs & 556 Cast Ewes & Rams 47 Rearing Calves

Prime Cattle (under 30 mos)

Clean cattle lifted to a new level with Countrystyle Butchers of Lancaster in pursuit of the best, buying a 555kg Limousin cross heifer from Mesrs AA&E Critchley&Son of Hutton for 299.5p/kg or £1662. Charlie Clough of Queensbury weighed in with a 435kg Limousin heifer from Simon Bennett of Silsden Moor which made 261.5p/kg or £1137. Top steer was Malcolm Metcalfe’s 535kg Limousin cross which also sold to Countrystyle Butchers for 252.5p/kg or £1350.


465-555kg                                             to 252.5p/kg                        av. 243.01p/kg


400-480kg                                             to 261.5p/kg                        av. 244.12p/kg

485kg+                                                   to 299.5p/kg                        av. 233.61p/kg

Top Prices £ per head and p/kg


£ per head: JA Drake (BBx) 1351, JR Metcalfe (Limx) 1351, CD&RF Kitching (BBx) 1281, (Blondex) 1279

p/kg: JR Metcalfe (Limx) 252.5,(Blondex) 247.5, JA Drake (BBx) 243.5, CD&RF Kitching (BBx) 239.5,(Blondex) 232.5


£ per head: AA&E Critchley&Son (Limx) 1662, 1388,1257, JM Townsend (Limx) 1337, SD Bennett (BBx) 1268

p/kg: AA&E Critchley&Son (Limx) 299.5,259.5,251.5, SD Bennett (Limx) 261.5,241.5, JA Drake (Limx) 243.5            


Cull Cow Prices

Overall Average                                   114.41p/kg           £777.20

Always a buyer or two short for cast cattle on Bank Holidays and a show of lean cattle with one or two dairies carrying finish sold well with a good dairy able to gross £1000 for D&SA Fort.

Black & White                       to 125.5 p/kg                       av.112.47 p/kg

Limx                                       to 127.5p/kg

Top Prices (£ per head or p/kg)


£ per head: D&SA Fort 1000,860, RE Ayrton&Son 824, CN&SA Harrison 822

p/kg: CN&SA Harrison 125.5, DA&S Fort 123.5,119.5, RE Ayrton&Son 114.5,94.5


£ per head: JR&CJ Greenwood 784

p/kg: JR&CJ Greenwood 127.5


3,677 Prime Sheep (comprising 3,121 Prime Lambs & 556 Cast Ewes & Rams)

A large show of sheep for a Bank Holiday Monday met with a firmer trade on the week, and all classes would be £2-£4 a piece dearer. Richard and Mark Ireland had top price of £115 each selling to Nick Dalby for Kendalls Farm Butchers of Pateley Bridge and Harrogate. Trevor & Clive Robinson from Tosside were close behind at £114 for Beltex selling to the same purchasers. Rob Marshall from Dacre topped at £111 for Beltex selling to regular buyers Keelham Farmshop. Two vendors received £110 for their lambs, the first was Simon Barker of Airton selling to Kendalls, and then J Lakin of Gilstead to Keelham.

Richard and Mark Ireland had top price per kilo with a pen of Beltex weighing 37kg selling for 259.5p to Hamlets Butchers in Garstang, Rob Marshall made 252.3p, Cecil Hutchinson 250p, J Lakin 250p, James Garth 248.6p and Ellis Bros 246.5p.

Smart Lambs were generally dearer on the week, but it was the next grade that took a good lift, lambs in the 44kg to 48kg being particularly good to sell. Mule and Hill bred lambs again sold well with Mules to £93 or 189.8p from Trevor Stoney and all Mules averaging 182.8p, Mashams topped £99 or 198p from Alan Throup, whilst Horned lambs topped £75 from John Mason.


Spring Lambs  – Overall Average £80.33 per head or 189.9p/kg            

32.1kg to 35.9kg                 to 190.0p/kg         av 170.51p/kg      or £57.74 per head

36.0kg to 45.5kg                 to 259.5p/kg         av 189.77p/kg      or £79.64 per head

45.6kg to 52.0kg                 to 239.60p/kg       av 191.08p/kg      or £90.72 per head

52.1kg and over                 to 207.50p/kg       av 187.91p/kg      or £91.91 per head

Beltex average £83.84 per head or 221.7p/kg

£ per head: £111 £97.50 JC Marshall; £106 £98 Ellis Bros; £100 £92 AC Hutchinson; £93 J Garth & Son; £92 AC Hutchinson;

p/kg: 252.3p 232.1p  JC Marshall; 250.0p AC Hutchinson; 248.6p 232.5p J Garth & Son; 246.5p 233.3p Ellis Bros;   

Suffolk average £79.68 per head or 186.8p/kg

£ per head: £100 R&DA Earnshaw £97 PL Metcalfe; £96, £93 B&J Sutcliffe; £92 G Beresford; £91 P&A Riley; £90 PL Metcalfe;

p/kg: 210.7p TH&A Pickard; 195.9p, 190.7p B&J Sutcliffe; 190.2p x3 CD&RF Kitching; 190p, 189.8p B&J Sutcliffe;

Texel average £80.16 per head or 190.3p/kg

£ per head: £115 RH&MR Ireland; £114 T&C Robinson; £110 J Lakin; £110 JW Barker & Son; £108 K Marshall;

p/kg:259.5p RH&MR Ireland; 250p J Lakin; 239.6p, 236.6p, 234.5p, 232.6p RH&MR Ireland; 231.8p J Lakin

Mule average £74.35 per head or 182.8p/kg

£ per head: £93 JA Stoney; £86.50 RC Greenwood; £83 JC&N Throup; £80.50 PL Metcalfe; £80 TH Pickard & Son

p/kg:189.8p JA Stoney; 186.9p A&SL Throup; 185.7p James Garth; 184.4p JC&N Throup; 184.2p JM&S Tennant;

Charollais average £78.48 per head or 188.5p/kg

£ per head: £92 Ellis Bros; £88 M&E Thornber; £84 JA Stoney & Son; £84 JR&DL Ogden; £79 Stocks Enterprises; £79 JR&DL Ogden

p/kg: 209.1p Ellis Bros; 204.7p M&E Thornber; 200p JR&DL Ogden;192.7p Stocks Enterprises; 191p x2 JD Simpson;

Lleyn average £64 per head or 164.1p/kg

£ per head: £64 T Riley;

p/kg: 164.1p T Riley;

Swaledale average £45.73 per head or 137.9p/kg

£ per head: £75 AJ Mason; £63.50 JH Throup; £48 MR Ewbank; £43 JR&CJ Greenwood;

p/kg: 170.5p AJ Mason; 162.8p JH Throup; 133.3p 131.6p Mr Ewbank;

Masham average £84.36 per head or 189.3p/kg

£ per head: £99 £85 £78 A&SL Throup;

p/kg: 198.0p 188.9p 185.7p A&SL Throup;

Rouge average £92.92 per head or 186.4p/kg

£ per head: £108 £93 £90.50 £82.50  H&S Maudsley

p/kg: 196.4p 188.5p 186.0p 177.0p H&S Maudsley

Dalesbred average £47.17 per head or 144.3p/kg

£ per head: £48 DA Robinson; £45.50 JW Sayer & Son;

p/kg: 150.0p DA Robinson; 133.8p JW Sayer & Son;

Kerry Hill average £79.50 per head or 189.2p/kg

£ per head: £79.50 R Andrews;

p/kg: 189.29p R Andrews;



Cull Ewes average £56.39

Suffolk to £89.50, Texel to £100.50, BFL to £68.50, Mule to £76.50, Lleyn to £54.50, Swaledale to £50.50, SBF to £52.50, Beltex  to £48.50, Kerry Hill to £54.50.

Top prices:

Lowland: £100.50 JA&JH Hewetson; £99.50 BR&JM Jarvis; £98.50 AN Throup;

Mule/Masham: £76.50 ML&JE Kayley; £74.50 JA&JH Hewetson;  

Horned: £52.50 JD&CE Nelson; £50.50 TH&A Pickard;

Hill: £68.50 £54.50 CD&RF Kitching;

Cast Rams average £70

Texel to £73.50 S&PE Bowker; Suffolk to £78.50 RD Metcalfe; Charollais to £79.50 J&ME Carr; BFL to £58.50 JC Crabtree; Kerry Hill to £71.50 R Andrews; Goat to £63.50



Rearing Calves to £440 (47)


Bull Calves

Limousin x (Av £381.67) to £440 EJ Fort                       

Brit Blue x (Av £345) to £440 A Sowray & Son                                                             

Aberdeen Angus (Av £305) to £305 JC Marshall

Simmental (Av £382.50) to £425 CN&SA Harrison

Hereford X (Av £285) to £285 JC Marshall

Black & White (Av £72.72) to £175 JC Marshall           

Cont av £363 Native av £295


Heifer Calves                                                                                       

Ab Angus (Av £245) to £245

British Blue (Av £321.67) to £345 RL Wright & Son

Lim (Av £302.7) to £365 D Clarke

Cont av £308.8 Native av £245