67 Prime cattle comprising 42 Cattle (under 30 mos), 1 Clean Cattle (over 30 mos) & 24 Cast Cattle.
4,199 Prime Sheep comprising 3868 Prime Hoggs, 331 Cast Ewes & Rams.
111 Rearing Calves.
6 Loads of produce.
Prime Cattle (under 30 mos)
The return to trading after the holiday break brought a large show of clean cattle with pen after pen of high quality entries. Top grossing cattle were at the heavier end with Edward and John Parkinson of Dunsop Bridge leading the way with a 600kg homebred British Blue cross heifer at 600kg which made 252.5p/kg or £1515 selling to Jeff Burrow. Close behind at £1471 was a 565kg Limousin cross heifer sold by CD&RF Kitching of Threshfield to George Cropper of Baxenden for the days top price of 260.5p/kg. Robertshaws Farm Shop and Keelham Farm Shop used the opportunity to put some high quality beef on stock for the New Year buying 11 and 6 respectively through buyer James Robertshaw.
Monthly Show
Bullocks – 1st Ellie Hargreaves 2nd CD&RF Kitching 3rd FM Smith
Heifers – 1st SD Bennett 2nd CD&RF Kitching 3rd FM Smith
Champion – SD Bennett Reserve – CD&RF Kitching
465-569kg to 250.5p/kg av. 234.8p/kg
560kg+ to 239.5p/kg av. 226.39p/kg
480kg+ to 260.5p/kg av. 220.87p/kg
560kg+ to 157.5p/kg
Top Prices £ per head and p/kg
£ per head: Hargreaves Farms (Limx) 1406, 1378, F&B Smith (Limx) 1378, CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 1353, TW Cowperthwaite (Limx 1348
p/kg: F&B Smith (Limx) 250.5, CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 239.5, S&P Scriven (BBx) 238.5, TW Cowperthwaite (Limx) 234.5, Hargreaves Farms (Limx) 230.5, RT&J Critchley&Sons (BBx) 230.5
£ per head: EW&JR Parkinson (BBx) 1515, CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 1472, SD Bennett (Limx) 1457, DA Wilcock&Sons (Limx) 1455,1446
p/kg: CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 260.5,245.5, F&B Smith (Limx) 256.5, EW&JR Parkinson (BBx) 252.5, RT&J Critchley&Sons (Limx) 239.5,239.5
£ per head: Hurries Farm (AA) 1276
p/kg: Hurries Farm (AA) 157.5
Prime Cattle (over 30 mos)
Overall Average 111.5p/kg £669
Top Prices £ per head and p/kg
£ per head: ID&JC Briggs (B&W Hfr) 669
p/kg: ID&JC Briggs (B&W Hfr) 111.5
Cast cow trade opened up at the same pre-Christmas level with more cattle forward carrying finish which were 105p and upwards whilst the lean cows were a very good trade with only handful in the entry.
Overall Average 98.59p/kg £655.36
Black & White to 111.50p/kg av.96.89p/kg
Fleck to 122.5p/kg
Simx to 102.5p/kg
Top Prices (£ per head or p/kg)
£ per head: C Watson 856, GD&MA Midgley 820, M Ryder&Sons 819,779,766, A&J Carr&Son 807,781, N&SA Fort 772,
p/kg: A&JR Carr&Son 111.5, C Watson 110.5, M Ryder&Sons 110.5,108.5, N&SA Fort 109.5,105.5, GD&MA Midgley 106.5
Other Dairy
£ per head: C Watson (Fleck) 974
p/kg: C Watson (Fleck) 122.5
£ per head: R&A Jennings (Simx) 615
p/kg: R&A Jennings (Simx) 102.5
Overall Average 115.50p/kg £953.42
Top Prices £ per head and p/kg
£ per head: H Downs&Son (AA) 998,898, A&SL Throup&Son (B&W) 964
p/kg: A&SL Throup&Son (B&W) 115.5, H Downs&Son (AA) 111.5,109.5
4,199 Prime Sheep (comprising 3868 Prime Hoggs, 331 Cast Ewes & Rams)
If last week finished 2019 off well, this week set 2020 off with a bang, the 3868 Lambs sold at an overall average of 220.2p/kg (SQQ 226.6p) or £95.44 per head. Handyweight lambs of all breeds were a very strong trade all day, with commercial Lowland lambs 37kg to 42kg selling for 225p to 240p regular away, then the smart end were the next step up from 250p to 320p. WA,VJ&JA Towler from Grindleton took top price per kilo at 320.5p (39kg £125) for Beltex, whilst JE Burrow, Hanlith took top price per head at £130 (41kg 317.1p) with the January Show Champions which had earlier been picked by our show judge Andrew Atkinson, whom we thank for his expertise. PW Simpson, Bolton by Bowland had a tremendous run of lambs with 5 pens at 300p or more, lambs to £123 and 2 pens at £119 with the run of 94 lambs av 290.33p/kg. WA, VJ&JA Towler had 6 pens of Continentals forward which averaged 271.2p/kg, other sample prices saw DN&D Capstick from Bolton by Bowland have 29 lambs to average 262p, and Messrs Burrow had 43 lambs to average 261p, Messrs Eddleston from Great Harwood averaged 272p, N Hitchen Luddendenfoot av 263p. 85 pens of lambs this week sold for in excess of 250p/kg.
In the lump, smart lambs were regularly £100 to £120, with Beltex crosses averaging £111 per head, but the heavier types were good to sell as well, the 46kg to 52kg bracket which includes a lot of the Mules averaged 206p/kg and £101 per head, whilst the 52kg and above bracket was 196p or £107.77 per head.
Hill bred lambs took a nice lift, Best Mules either side of 200p/kilo, best horned lambs 190p to 205p, Cheviots av 222p and Lonks/Gritstones both topping £2 Kilo.
The current trade shows the strength of the live marts and prospective vendors are encouraged to take advantage and bring us some sheep. Speak to Ted Ogden on 07855-958211 for more details.
Cast Ewes were also a sharp trade today with an overall cast sheep av £93.91 (ewes £92.66, rams £115.06). Good Continentals and Suffolks in the £120’s £130’s and £140’s topping at £147.50 from JGE Heseltine & Son. Nice sorts £100-£115. Better Mules mainly in the 90’s with best sorts over £100 topping at £107.50 from GA Hewitt Giggleswick. Hill bred and Horned ewes to £87.50, better end generally in the 70’s or late £60’s.
Monthly Show
Cont x
1st H Baines 41kg £130 Vivers Scot Lamb
2nd Ellis Bros 47kg £115 Hartshead Meat Co
3rd JG Hall & Son 45kg £117 Vivers Scot Lamb
Down x
1st J&C Wright 51kg £101.50 A Atkinson
2nd J&C Wright 48kg £95.50 A Atkinson
1st M Ryder & Son 47kg £92.50 Vivers Scot Lamb
2nd JK Wilson 47kg £87 N Dalby.
1st J Greenwood 43kg £83 J Bosworth
2nd Bob Stubbs 37kg £73 J Bowling
Prime Hoggs – Overall Average £95.44 per head or 220.2p/kg
32.1kg to 35.6kg to 308.6p/kg av 210.88p/kg or £73.35 per head
36.0kg to 45.5kg to 320.5p/kg av 227.07p/kg or £94.12 per head
45.6kg to 52.0kg to 267.4p/kg av 206.08p/kg or £101.52 per head
52.1kg and over to 236.7p/kg av 195.61p/kg or £107.77 per head
Beltex average £111.33 per head or 266.3p/kg
£ per head: £126 £125 £115 WA,VJ&JA Towler, £124 J Baines, £123 £119 £118 PW Simpson, £122 EP&JM Hutchinson, £120 M Thwaite, £119 £117 £116 JG Hall & Son, £117 JA&JH Hewetson, £117 DN&D Capstick, £117 £116 £115.50 JE Burrow, £117 H Atkinson, £116 N Hitchen, £116 CT Akrigg,
p/kg: 320.5p WA,VJ&JA Towler, 319.4p H Atkinson, 308.6p 305.4p 300.0p(x3) 297.5p(x2) 294.6p PW Simpson 296.6p 292.3p H Atkinson, 288.8p 285.4p 282.9p JE Burrow, 285.0p PR Simpson, 284.6p 281.1p N Hitchen, 283.3p JG Hall & Son,
Suffolk average £94.45 per head or 209.2p/kg
£ per head:£110 J Greenwood, £106 B Dibb, £105 £104 N&M Hugill, £104 GW Houseman, £104 GA Hewitt & Son, £103.50 HL Kitching, £103 G&MA Lawn, £103 S&PE Bowker & Son, £101.50 J&C Wright.
p/kg: 234.9p J&C wright, 227.6p 221.3p(x2) 215.5p SR Dorey, 221.4p D&A Livestock, 214.1p J Greenwood.
Texel average £98.51 per head or 220.6p/kg
£ per head: £130 JE Burrow, £128 £127 W&J Parkinson, £122 T Smith, £121 H Atkinson, £120 R&CR Nowell, £120 D&A Livestock, £119 FG Throup, £119 J&M Blakey, £119 £117(x2) £115 J Baines, £118 WA,VJ&JA Towler, £118 RJ Lambert, £118 MP Jennings, £117(x2) DA Towell, £117 P Hargreaves, £116 JS Eddleston, £115 M Thwaite, £115 Ellis Bros,
p/kg: 317.1p JE Burrow, 295.1p H Atkinson, 290.9p 256.1p 254.8p W&J Parkinson, 290.0p 255.8p JS Eddleston, 286.8p T Walmsley, 275.6p 256.8p 253.8p J&M Blakey, 274.4p WA,VJ&JA Towler, 273.1p DN&D Capstick, 267.5p A&K Kiernan, 266.7p D&A Livestock, 256.5p RJ Lambert, 256.1p WH&JW Hartley, 254.3p AN Throup, 254.1p F&R Fielden, 251.1p RJ Bailey.
Charollais average £87.94 per head or 215.7p/kg
£ per head: £103 £96 £91 E&S Baines, £90 SR Dorey.
p/kg: 230.8p SR Dorey, 219.2p 215.4p L Throup, 210.2p E&S Baines.
Mule/Masham average £86.82 per head or 192.9p/kg
£ per head: £102 AE Schindler, £100 JH Throup, £99 N Pepper, £98 CT Akrigg, £97 G&MA Lawn, £96.50 R&KA Burley & Son, £95.50 R Kinder, £95 GW Houseman & Son, £95 Fair Place Farm.
p/kg: 206.0p 201.1p R Stubbs, 203.4p(x2) CD&RF Kitching, 203.4p S Forshaw & Son, 202.2p G Beresford & Son.
Cheviot average £94.73 per head or 222.3p/kg
£ per head: £95.50 S Forshaw & Son, £93 KJ Marston
p/kg: 227.4p S Forshaw & Son, 211.4p KJ Marston
Scotch Black Faced average £79.81 per head or 207.5p/kg
£ per head: £87 £80 R Stubbs.
p/kg: 212.2p 210.5p R Stubbs
Lonk average £78.90 per head or 199.2p/kg
£ per head: £92 £83 £82 J Greenwood
p/kg: 205.6p F&R Fielden, 200.0p 193.0p J Greenwood
Swaledale average £71.83 per head or 189.2p/kg
£ per head: £83 CH&OF Hammond, £78 G&MA Lawn, £77 P Addyman & Son, £75 J&R Paisley, £174.50 AJ Mason
p/kg: 202.4p CH&OF Hammond, 195.0p 194.7p G&MA Lawn, 192.9p JH Throup, 192.9p JM Tennant, 192.3p J&R Paisley, 191.7p WP&B Walker & Son, 190.8p Lambert Mileshouse
Dalesbred average £68.69 per head or 184.7p/kg
£ per head: £85 JK Wilson, £79 K Lister & Son.
p/kg: 193.2p 189.2p 183.7p K Lister & Son, 184.6p RH&EA Close
Gritstone average £86.50 per head or 201.1p/kg
£ per head: £86.50 JL&J Pate
p/kg: 201.1p JL&J Pate
Beltex to £147.50, Suffolk to £125.50, Texel to £141.50, BFL to £129.50, Mule to £107.50, Lleyn to £113.50, Swaledale to £76.50, Black faced to £73.50, Gritstone to £87.50, Cheviot to £77.50, , Herdwick to £48.50.
Top prices:
Lowland: £147.50 JGE Heseltine&Son
Mule/Masham: £107.50 GA Hewitt&Son
Horned: £76.50 E Pennock&Son
Hill: £129.50 JK Wilson
Cast Rams average £115
Suffolk to £140.50, Texel to £142.50, BFL to £107.50, Dalesbred to £88.50, Beltex to £93.50,
Rearing Calves to £430 (111)
B&W av. £66 Cont av. £269 Native av. £201
A good attendance of buyers ready to fill pens after the break but most buying with caution in the light of an uncertain beef market. Native breed bulls continue to be the most resilient week on week with most £250 to £325 and the heifers £130-£190. The best Continental bulls are still £360-£430 the latter the top price of the day for the Champion calf a British Blue bull from A Sowray&Son. Strong British Blue Heifers are easy to buy with plenty either side of £250 and the best £300 +. Dairy bulls a month of age a strong trade £80 to £122 and even the bobby types a fair trade at £30 to £45.
Prize Awards
British Blue Bull (max 6 wks) 1. A Sowray&Son 2. RE Ayrton&Son 3. J&SA Lancaster
British Blue Hfr (max 6 wks) 1. JF Longster&Son 2. J&SA Lancaster 3. J&SA Lancaster
Lim Bull (max age 6 wks) 1. G Pickersgill&Sons 2. RE Ayrton&Son
Lim Hfr (max age 6 wks) 1. G Pickersgill&Sons
Other Cont Bull (max 6 wks) 1. C Smith&Sons 2. C Smith&Sons
Other Cont Hfr (max 6 wks) 1. C Smith&Sons
Native Bull (max 6 wks) 1.T&C Robinson 2. J Wellock 3. ID&JC Briggs
Native Hfr (max 6 wks) 1. J Wellock 2. RE Ayrton&Son 3. A Sowray&Son
Dairy Bull (max 6 wks) 1. J Wellock 2. J Wellock
Contx Stirk (over 6 wks) 1. Church Farm Ent. 2. JF Longster&Son
Native Male or Hfr (over 6wks) 1. RL Wright&Sons
Bull Calves
Limousin x (Av £259) to £375 G Pickersgill
Brit Blue x (Av £293) to £430 A Sowray & Son
Aberdeen Angus (Av £252) to £325 JM Smith & Son
Mont Bel (Av £145) to £145 ST&JE Foster
Charolais (Av £307) to £350 C Smith
Black & White (Av £66) to £122 M&R Smith
Heifer Calves
Hereford x (Av £35) to £35 D&J Herd
Ab Angus (Av £149) to £190 J Wellock
Charolais (Av £340) to £340 C Smith
British Blue (Av £244) to £310 JF Longster
Lim (Av £218) to £245 G Pickersgill
Hay Quad to £19 per bale
Barley Straw to £68 per tonne
Skipton Auction Mart
Gargrave Road
North Yorkshire
BD23 1UD
Tel 01756 792375
Jeremy Eaton 07740 780481
Ted Ogden 07855 958211
Kyle Hawksworth 07538 539077