

Forward: 49 Prime cattle comprising 16 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos), 1 Clean Cattle (over 30 mos) & 32 Cast Cattle 3,847 Prime Sheep comprising 3,336 Prime Lambs, 511 Cast Ewes & Rams 71 Rearing Calves 23 Dairy – In milk and Youngstock


Prime Cattle (under 30 mos)

Keelham Farm Shop, Skipton was amongst the top prices at the weekly sale bagging the two leading prices from both the steers and the heifers. Both came from the pen of Charles and Richard Kitching from Threshfield the overall leading price a Limousin cross steer weighing 590kg which made £1590 when sold for 269.5p/kg (Top p/kg) and the top heifer a 575kg Limousin at £1526 or 265.5p/kg. Sharp behind in the retail weights were 2 heifers from RT&J Critchley & Sons of Hutton which joined Countrystyle Meats of Lancaster a 575kg Limousin at £1504 or 262.5p/kg and a 570kg British Blue cross at £1502 or 263.5p/kg.

Worth noting heavy steers at 620kg and 625kg both from A Calvert&Son of Paythorne which realised £1541 and £1528 when selling at 248.5p/kg and 244.5p/kg to Mick Etherington of Bingley. We can certainly deal with more premium cattle at all weights to satisfy demand.


560kg+                                                   to 269.5p/kg                        av. 255.87p/kg


480kg+                                                   to 265.5p/kg                        av.258.19p/kg

Top Prices £ per head and p/kg


£ per head: CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 1590, 1528,1473, A Calvert&Son (Limx) 1541,

p/kg: CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 269.5,259.5,258.5, A Calvert&Son (Limx) 248.5,244.5


£ per head: CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 1526, 1487, RT&J Critchley&Sons (Limx) 1504, (BBx) 1502, Phoenix Grain Co Ltd (Limx) 1448

p/kg: CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 265.5,265.5,265.5,263.5, RT&J Critchley&Sons (BBx) 263.5, (Limx) 261.5, 260.5, Phoenix Grain Co Ltd (Limx) 258.5,249.5,246.5


Prime Cattle (over 30 mos)

Overall Average                                   146.5p/kg                             £1164.68

Top Prices £ per head and p/kg

£ per head: GB Jennings (B&W Hfr) 1164

p/kg: GB Jennings (B&W Hfr) 146.5






Cull Cow Prices

Dairy culls back marginally but a show dominated by worked cows with just the odd dry meated cow. The latter were 120p or thereabouts apart from an under 30 month calved heifer which was 149.5p and cows out of the parlour 90p with anything towards a steaking cow 110p/kg. Beef cows continue to be picked up by feeding cow customers with the best 154.5p/kg.

Overall Average                                   109.27p/kg                           £689.24

Black & White                      to 149.5p/kg                        av. 105.88p/kg

Jersey                                     to 92.5p/kg

MRI                                         to 123.5p/kg

Dan Red x                             to 91.5p/kg

Limx                                       to 154.5p/kg                        av. 143.07p/kg


Top Prices (£ per head or p/kg)


£ per head: MP Jennings (Dairy) Ltd 994, JT Rushton 899, JSS Verity 815, JD Taylor&Son 809, G Pickersgill&Sons 789,

p/kg: MP Jennings (Dairy) 149.5, JSS Verity 140.5,137.5, JT Rushton 121.5, G Pickersgill&Sons 119.5,113.5, E&KM Marshall 111.5

Other Dairy

£ per head: C Watson (MRI) 840, JSS Verity (Dan Red ) 540, (Jer) 407

p/kg: C Watson (MRI) 123.5, JSS Verity (Jer) 92.5, (Dan Red) 91.5


£ per head: D Glassbrook 1089,980,656

p/kg: D Glassbrook 154.5,148.5,121.5



3,847 Prime Sheep comprising 3,336 Prime Lambs, 511 Cast Ewes & Rams

A slightly increased entry of lambs this week with 3,336 sold to level at 216.7p or £ per head. There was a much greater emphasis on numbers of heavier lambs forward this week with 973 scaling 46kg or more and these finding a very ready ringside of buyers keen to secure the well fleshed types, the over 52kg levelling at £111.73, and 46kg to 52kg settling at £102.95.
Beltex crosses were as ever, very good to sell, and trade saw tops of 334.9p or £145 and a breed average of 251p or £108.10 per head. Smarter Texel’s up around 300p, and a breed average of 215p, the better skinned types 225p plus with smartest end 250p to 300p, topping at £135 from JR Crabtree, Otley purchased by P Watson. Commercial Texels from Hill ewes generally either side of 200p, with first crosses from Mules 210p to 225p depending on weight.
Suffolk cross lambs 200p to 220p, topping at £118 from Gerald Beresford.
Mule and Horned Lamb numbers continue a sharp rise in numbers week on week, and good competition from the ringside for them too. Mules averaged a solid 194p, topping 202p or £96 and £95.50 from John Smith of Carlton, 198p Phillip Metcalfe, 198p Fleets Farms, 196p Kevin Wilson, tops per head £97.50 from P Addyman & Son. Horned lambs are good to sell if well fleshed, 187p from John Mason, 179p or £91 Chris Akrigg.
At the top end of the prices its usually the Beltex’s that lead the way, and today was no different with Ellis Bros of Addingham Moorside top of the shop at 334.9p/kg and Nigel Boynton of Ripon at £145 (twice) per head all to Vivers Scotlamb. Mr Boynton had others at £138 to Kendall Farm Butchers in Harrogate and Pateley Bridge.
Ellis Bros top price per kilo added up to £144, and they sold to Vivers Scotlamb. Alaistair Jenkinson Langbar made £140 and £137.50 again to Vivers Scotlamb. P Crabtree & Son from Otley were up at £138.50 to Harthead Meats Co in Mossley. Another 12 pens were £130 plus.
Other prices 300p plus in addition to Ellis Bros top price were RT&J Critchley from Preston made 326.8p, N Boynton 322.2p 308p, A Jenkinson 318p and 312p, Ellis Bros 310p 302p(x2), TH Mellin 308p, JG Hall & Son 306p 300p, HB Atkinson 304p(x2), WC Logan 300p. With prices like these, Skipton really is the only place to sell your Beltex and smart Texel butchers lambs, contact Ted Ogden 07855 958211for more details and to book lambs in for sale.


Ewes sold to a premium today for heavy’s and best bred once again with good orders for these ewes dominating the ringside. Heavy mules sold to £92.50 with plain ewes in the £40-£50 region. And lean mules £64-£76. Heavy continentals set off a flyer £125+ for many pens of ewes today with the best selling to £135.50. The whole white-faced ewe entry avg £94!. Tex-dale ewes sold better again this week repeatedly £84-£90 for good meat. Lonk ewes to £76.50 and avg £71.50 Masham ewes avg £75.50. Swale ewes very similar on the week with meat better sold but plain and lean similar. Swales topped at £63.50 from E Pennock. Please contact Kyle Hawksworth to discuss selling your cull ewes.


Prime Lambs – Overall Average £95.26 per head or 216.7p/kg              

32.1kg to 35.9kg to 220.6p/kg         av 188.2p/kg         or £64.00 per head

36.0kg to 45.5kg to 334.9p/kg         av 217.8p/kg         or £92.03 per head

45.6kg to 52.0kg to 308.5p/kg         av 215.1p/kg         or £102.95 per head

52.1kg and over   to 225.0p/kg         av 199.8p/kg         or £111.73 per head


Beltex average £108.10 per head or 251.4p/kg

£ per head: £145 £138 N&AD Boynton; £144 Ellis Bros; £140 £137.50 A Jenkinson; £138.50 RC Crabtree; £135 £134 JG Hall;

p/kg: 334.9p 310.5 Ellis Bros; 326.8p RT&J Critchley; 322.2p 308.5p N&AD Boynton; 318.2p 312.5p A Jenkinson; 306.8p JG Hall;

Texel average £94.10 per head or 215.8p/kg

£ per head: £135 JR Crabtree; £130.50 M Thompson; £129 R Lund; £126.50 TH Mellin; £126 S Spensley; £125.50 WC Logan; £124.50 W Stapleton;

p/kg: 308.5p TH Mellin; 300.0p 278.9p 276.2p WC Logan; 279.8p E Pennock; 275.6p M Crabtree; 270.7p W Stapleton; 263.6p JC Marshall;

Suffolk average £91.34 per head or 205.3p/kg

£ per head: £118 £112 £107.50 £105.50 G Beresford; £111.50 A&E Stead; £109.50 JW Barker; £109 £105.50 TH Mellin; £108 CT Akrigg;

p/kg: 221.7p RA&M Earnshaw; 215.3p TH Mellin; 215.3p 215.0p G Beresford; 213.4p GA Hewitt; 213.0p ID&JC Briggs; 210.4p KM&L Throup;

Charolais average £92.40 per head or 210.6p/kg

£ per head: £116 A&G Midgley; £102 FW&JM Edington; £98.50 WM Hall; £95 RE Metcalfe; £87 AFD Roberts;

p/kg: 232.0p A&G Midgely; 212.5p FW&JM Edington; 212.2p 208.5p AFD Roberts; 209.6p WM Hall; 202.1p RE Metcalfe;

Mule average £87.62 per head or 194.6p/kg

£ per head: £97.50 P Addyman; £96 £95.50 £89 JR Smith; £93 £92.50 JC&N Throup; £88.50 JK Wilson; £88 KM&L Throup;

p/kg: 202.3p 195.9p JR Smith; 198.9p PL Metaclfe; 198.8p Fleets Farm; 196.7p JK Wilson; 195.5p JC&N Throup; 194.4p JH Throup;

Swaledale average £62.57 per head or 170.7p/kg

£ per head: £91 £79 CT Akrigg; £77 £73 J&R Paisley; £67.50 AJ Mason;

p/kg: 187.5p AJ Mason; 179.5p CT Akrigg; 173.8p J&R Paisley; 172.1p A&N Fothergill;

Rouge average £91.82 per head or 217.8p/kg

£ per head: £106 £94.50 AM Leach; £97.50 BL&R Lund; £96 RH&MR Ireland; £82 MJ&RH Wallbank;

p/kg: 246.5p 205.4p AM Leach; 232.1p BL&R Lund; 228.6p RH&MR Ireland; 200.0p MJ&RH Wallbank;




Cull Ewes average £70.05

Suffolk to £97.50, Texel to £135.50, BFL to £105.50, Mule to £92.50, Lleyn to £67.50, Swaledale to £63.50, Masham to £75.50, Wensleydale to £88.50, Cheviot to £94.50, Beltex to £118.50, Lonk to £76.50, Zwartble to £87.50, K,Hill tp £47.50

Top prices:

Lowland: £135.50                G Sunderland

Mule/Masham: £92.50      TA Harrison

Horned: £76.50                    TJ Holt

Hill: £94.50                           Fleets Farms


Cast Rams average £61.75

Texel to £80.50, BFL to £41.50, Swaledale to £, Easy Care to £63.50,




71 Rearing Calves to £470


More numbers about for the calves with 43 bulls and 28 heifers on sale today. 14 Black and Whites sold today with trade just having the edge off today. £120 was the top price calf sold from JT Rushton. Black and Whites avg £88. Blue bulls sold with more age and size bringing a better premium rather than the younger sweet shaped calves reaching the premium. £470, £465 for the older best calves from JP+KE Hartley and M&R Smith. 4 week old calves with good style could be picked up from early £300’s to £360. The whole Blue Bull avg came to £328 with all bulls big or small selling between £270-£470. Blue heifers all in the wither side of £250 with better end getting to £295. Lim Bulls £275-£300.


Bull Calves

Limousin x (Av £260) to £300                           JC&DJ Marshall                                                   

Brit Blue x (Av £328) to £470                           JP&KE Hartley                                                     

Aberdeen Angus (Av £254) to £272 RD Guy  

Hereford (Av £227) to £270                              JR Wellock            

Shorthorn (Av £88) to £100                              IRG Collins                                            

Black & White (Av £88) to £120                      JT Rushton                           


Heifer Calves       

Aberdeen Angus (Av £156) to £175 EJ Fort                                                                                                   

Hereford (Av £202) to £210                              AP Townsend      

British Blue (Av £255) to £295                         M&R Smith                                          

Limousin (Av £230) to £230                              PJ&JE Bolland                                      



23 Dairy

It was cracking trade for Robert Crisp who topped today’s fortnightly dairy sale at CCM Skipton with a tremendous run of four fresh heifers (pictured) twice reaching £2150 with Kev Midgely, Thorpe Bassett and Alf Townsend the respective successful buyers. Robert’s four averaged £1970.

With 17 fresh animals forward on the day, prices eased over recent trade but there were 10 successful purchasers and a full clearance, top priced cow was a pedigree 2nd calver from Rick Bamforth of Denby Dale giving 44kg and making £1880 to the Midgley’s at Luddenfoot.

Another quality batch of yearlings were keenly sought by buyers - showing demand for youngstock and this group from the Clarkson family at East Witton were in good order and were well grown, as well as being backed by plenty of milk and good components they sold well- topping at £1080 for Lowthorpe Shamrock Sunshine 2 to Richard Close, with five of the six heifers breaking the £1000 barrier.

4 cows in milk averaged £1555

9 fresh Holstein friesian heifers in milk averaged £1764

4 fresh Friesian and MRI cross heifers averaged £1113

6 yearlings averaged £1022

Next sale is the 28th September and will include the first group from Paul and Robert Lange, Malton who are dispersing their herd.

Thanks again to all vendors and buyers who are making this sale.



Pedigree Newly Calven Cow                             to £1880               av. £1626              R Bamforth

Pedigree Newly Calven Heifer                         to £1700               av. £1675              DE&ME Booth

Newly Calven Cow                                              to £1340                                               R Bamforth

Newly Calven Heifer                                           to £2150               av.£1544               ASE Crisp&Sons

Pedigree Maiden Heifers                                   to £1080               av.£1022               JD&E Clarkson