61 Prime cattle comprising 21 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos), 1 Clean Cattle (over 30 mos) & 39 Cast Cattle.
3,200 Prime Sheep comprising 2,835 Spring Lamb, 365 Cast Ewes & Rams.
61 Rearing Calves.
3 Loads of produce.
Prime Cattle (under 30 mos)
Robertshaws Farm Shop of Thornton bought the highest gross priced animal a 665kg Charolais cross heifer from Mesrs S&NV Jowett of Wilsden which sold for 224.5p, a total price of £1493. Keelham Farm Shop of Skipton was well to the fore securing the highest priced cattle pence per kg both heifers the first from Phoenix Grain Co Ltd a Limousin weighing 540kg at 241.5p (£1304) and the second a 530kg Limousin from RT&J Critchley&Sons of Hutton at 240.5p (£1275). Top price steer at 239.5p came from Mesrs F&B Smith of Westhouse, a 585kg British Blue cross which joined the list of Keelham Farm Shop purchases at 239.5p or £1401. Excess weight and a handful of grass cattle causes the averages to be slightly lower but nonetheless a spirited demand for good quality cattle. Hfrs. av. wt. 568kg av.207.91p, steers av. wt.603kg av. 218.79p.
560kg+ to 239.5p/kg av.218.79p/kg
480kg+ to 241.5p/kg av. 207.91p/kg
Top Prices £ per head and p/kg
£ per head: CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 1419, (BBx) 1407, F&B Smith (BBx) 1401
p/kg: F&B Smith (BBx) 239.5, CD&RF Kitching (BBx) 236.5,(Limx) 236.5,S&NV Jowett (Limx) 225.5
£ per head: S&NV Jowett (Charx) 1493, CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 1425, 1323, RT&J Critchley&Sons (Limx) 1325, Phoenix Grain Co Ltd (Limx) 1304.
p/kg: Phoenix Grain Co Ltd (Limx) 241.5, RT&J Critchley&Sons (Limx) 240.5,239.5, CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 239.5,238.5,237.5
Prime Cattle (over 30 mos)
Overall Average 83.5p/kg £442.55
Top Prices £ and per head
£ per head: PJ&JE Bolland 443
p/kg: PJ&JE Bolland 83.5
Overall Average 90.33p/kg £586.81
Cast cows a sharp trade with fed meat at a premium and a large entry of paddock grazed cows which were equally good to place with the exception the occasional lean lightweight cow.
Black & White to 112.5p/kg av.87.61p/kg
AA to 120.5p/kg av.115.20p/kg
Hefdx to 111.5p/kg
Limx to 142.5p/kg
Top Prices (£ per head or p/kg)
£ per head: PJ&JE Bolland 857, P.Crabtree&Son 799,738, JD Taylor&Son 779, JC&DJ Marshall&Sons 746, JSS Verity 727
p/kg: P Crabtree&Son 112.5, JC&DJ Marshall&Sons 110.5, JD Taylor&Son 110.5, JSS Verity 108.5,PJ&JE Bolland 108.5,
£ per head: Hurries Farm (AA) 1042,743, DG Boothman (Hefd) 892
p/kg: Hurries Farm (AA) 120.5, 108.5
£ per head: D Wells 1090
p/kg: D Wells 142.5
3,200 Prime Sheep comprising 2,835 Spring Lamb, 365 Cast Sheep(360 Ewes & 5 Rams)
Trade for the best lambs and fed/well fleshed lambs was better than expected today, though a commercial lamb was still just a similar trade on the week, and the overall average was 169p/kg (+3p). N&AD Boynton from Ripon topped the sale again with Beltex crosses at £114 or 253p (45kg) selling to Vivers Scotlamb. Samantha Asquith from Otley was next in line at £113 or 245p (46kg) selling to Hartshead Meat Co, Mossley, who also secured lambs at £110 or 234p from EJ Fort of Silsden Moor. Richard & Mark Ireland from Whalley had a good consignment of lambs with their 2 best pens selling to Robertshaws Farmshop, Thornton at £109 or 242p and £104 or 231p. Kendalls Farm Butchers who have retail shops in Harrogate and Pateley Bridge purchased 48kg Continental crosses at £108 from N&AD Boynton. Ellis Bros from Addingham Moorside presented a great run of 30 lambs with pens at £107 or 232p, £105 or 210p and $104.50 or 243p all to Vivers Scotlamb, and a further pen £107 (50kg) to Hartshead Meat Co.
Ewes continue to be a sharp trade with an average of £54.75 very much in line with recent weeks. Best ewes £85 to £100.
Spring Lambs – Overall Average £75.04 per head or 169.2p/kg
36.0kg to 45.5kg to 253.3p/kg av 170.96p/kg or £72.86 per head
45.6kg to 52.0kg to 245.7p/kg av 167.17p/kg or £79.17 per head
52.1kg and over to 200p/kg av 163.01p/kg or £86.28 per head
Texel average £75.74 per head or 170.33p/kg
£ per head: £104.5 Ellis Bros; £99 FG Throup; £96.5, £96x2 Ellis Bros; £95 D Asquith; £94.5 DJ Halliday; £94 S Horsfield;
p/kg: 243p Ellis Bros; 223.8p HB Atkinson; 219.8p DJ Halliday; 218.2p Ellis Bros; 216.7p HB Atkinson; 214.4p Ellis Bros;
Beltex average £83.73 per head or 192.74p/kg
£ per head: £114 N&AD Boynton; £113 S Asquith; £110 EJ Fort; £109 RH&MR Ireland; £108 N&AD Boynton; £107 x2 Ellis Bros;
p/kg: 253.3p N&AD Boynton; 245.7p S Asquith; 242.2p RH&MR Ireland; 234p EJ Fort; 232.6p Ellis Bros; 231.1p RH&MR Ireland;
Charollais average £75.31 per head or 163.33p/kg
£ per head: £83x2 GW Thackray; £79.5 P Shackleton; £77 GW Thackray; £77 H Barker; £76 D&A Livestock Ltd; £74 H Barker
p/kg: 176.7p D&A Livestock; 176.2p H Barker; 171.1p, 169.4p GW Thackray; 165.6p P Shackleton; 164.3p TH Atkins;
Suffolk average £71.57 per head or 160.67p/kg
£ per head: £95.5 B&J Sutcliffe; £86 MJ Spensley; £81 B Spensley; £79.5 B&J Sutcliffe; £79.5 B Spensley;
p/kg: 179.5p D&A Livestock; 175.5p MJ Spensley; 175p B Spensley; 170.5p JP&KE Hartley; 169.1p B Spensley;
Masham average £70.86 per head or 157.13p/kg
£ per head: £73.5, £70, £67 A&SL Throup;
p/kg:159.1p, 156.4p, 136.7p A&SL Throup;
Mule average £63.03 per head or 145.91p/kg
£ per head: £74 JH Throup; £71 A&SL Throup; £71 KG Stapleton; £71 Ashfield Farms; £69 R Berry; £68.5 FG Throup;
p/kg: 157.8p A&SL Throup & Son; 155.1p J&JA Preston & Son; 153.5p Ashfield Farms; 151.2p JM&S Tennant; 151.1p JH Throup;
Suffolk to £66.5, Texel to £107.5, BFL to £88.5, Mule to £61.5, Swaledale to £38.5, Herdwick to £44.5, Kerry Hill to £44.5 , Cheviot to £53.5, Beltex to £78.5, Lonk to £29.5.
Top prices:
Lowland: £107.5 B Spensley Ltd; £96.5 GA Hewitt;
Mule/Masham: £61.5 B Spensley Ltd; £59.5 AJ Taylor;
Horned: £38.5 JK Wilson; £36.5 W Mason & Son;
Hill: £53.5 DW&CJ Towler; £44.5 EF Eaton;
Cast Rams average £35.5
Texel to £51.5, BFL to £19.5, Swaledale to £20.5.
Rearing Calves to £415 (61)
B&W av £91.2 Cont av £307.42 Native av £203
A healthy turn out of calves for the September show and sale of rearing calves with Tony Binns of Clint undertaking the judging honours. Some difficult classes were swiftly dissected however where to place the champion rosette took some deliberation, eventually choosing the superb heifer presented by JP&KE Hartley of Bolton Abbey went on to take the second highest price of the day selling for £390 to Malcolm and Stephen Abbott of Dacre. The Reserve Champion a superb British Blue bull from Mike Longster of Fellbeck which sold for the sale high of £415.
A two tier sale today with best continental calves selling very nicely indeed and plenty of interest however just out of the top band and calves would see a significant difference in price with a very picky buyer presence ringside today. Black and White calves found some keen bidding today with an average of £91.20 topping twice at £160 for entries presented by H&M Dugdale & Son and RE Ayrton & Son. Natives were a good trade again this week with Aberdeen Angus bulls averaging £268.75 topping £290 for another JP&KE Hartley entry.
Bull Calves
Limousin x (Av £135) to £135 PJ&JE Bolland
Brit Blue x (Av £321.16) to £415 JF Longster
Aberdeen Angus (Av £268.75) to £290 JP&KE Hartley;
Blonde X (Av £325) to £380 N&R Sutcliffe
Black & White (Av £91.20) to £160 H&M Dugdale; £160 RE Ayrton & Son
Heifer Calves
Charollais x (Av £235) to £240 C Smith;
Aberdeen Angus (Av £268.75) to £290 JP&KE Hartley
British Blue (Av £291) to £390 JP&KE Hartley
Wheat Straw Mini Heston to £13 per bale