MARKET REPORT – WEDNESDAY 24th February 2016
Fortnightly Catalogue Sale of Store Lambs and Breeding Sheep
Forward: 717 Head, Overall av £55.78
CCM conducted their fortnightly store sheep sale at Skipton on Wednesday. Store lambs were a strong trade, peaking at £80 and £77 for Beltex crosses from Martin and Val Brown of Leyburn. Lambs were dearer than the previous sale helped by the rising prime market.
The first sheep and lambs of this season were forward, and weekly sales commence from Monday 29th February, including Inlamb ewes and Store Lambs, approx. 60 outfits pre-entered already. Trade was brisk with weather brightening up a little and customers out looking. Keith Downs dispersed the second half of his flock, and trade was a shade stronger than the previous offering.