Wether lambs take centre stage at CCM Skipton
This year’s wether lambs took centre stage at Skipton Auction Mart for their main show day of the year, with four classes for Swaledale, Dalesbred and other hill breeds. (Wed, Sept 18)
Successful in the Swaledale show class was upland hill custodian Paul Newbould, of Potter Lane Farm, Dallowgill, with a pen of 50 lambs reared entirely on heather moorland in the Nidderdale Area of Natural Beauty.
Mr Newbould keeps some 800 ewes, which go to both pedigree Swaledale and Bluefaced Leicester rams, the latter servicing the requirements of his North of England Mule flock. The class victors sold at a section-topping £43 per head to a regular Welsh buyer.