FORWARD: 2,233 Breeding Sheep & Gimmer Lambs. (2,107 Gimmer Lambs and 126 Dalesbred Sheep).
CCM Auctions conducted their fourth fortnightly sale of Gimmer Lambs at Skipton on Tuesday where 2107 head were forward for sale. Trade was not as buoyant as seen at the third sale, however, the lambs were a far more seasonal selection representing vendors last round up of gimmer lambs for this year. Better lambs on the day were in the 70’s, best runner in the 60’s, middle types of runners either side of £60 and smaller end or commercial sorts generally in the early to mid 50’s. An overall sale average of £60.39 was recorded.
The sale of Hill rams saw a nice selection forward and better end of rams on offer at 200gn to 300gns.